[HubbardBrook] Hubbard Brook Orientation Clarification: housing and code of conduct policies

Dayna De La Cruz ddelacruz at hubbardbrookfoundation.org
Thu May 11 14:18:34 EDT 2023

Good Afternoon Hubbard Brook Community!

I come to you all with some updates and clarifications on the *Hubbard
Brook Orientation*.

I, first of all, wanted to acknowledge that there has been some confusion
with my usage of the term "residents" in my previous emails. For
clarification, "residents" was referring to any person who will be staying
on site, regardless of the duration of time in Hubbard Brook housing. This
means that this *mandatory event* applies to those who will be staying for
three months or even one day.

The Hubbard Brook Orientation is not only an opportunity to get to know
those in your community, but also the time where we go over *housing and
code of conduct policies*, which applies to everyone (parking,
garbage, cleanliness, what is permitted and not permitted,  conduct, who to
contact in emergencies and much more). The orientation will *not be
recorded* as it is meant to be an interactive event.

We are having another virtual orientation on *Wednesday, May 24th from 6:00
- 7:00 pm EST* for those who were not able to attend the first one. Please
make sure to fill out this attendance form
<https://forms.gle/4fWPNhqtU6aPaFAC6> in order for us to send a google
calendar invitation and zoom details. We also wanted to highlight that we
are incorporating some feedback collected after the first orientation in
order to improve the experience for everyone. If you attended our first
orientation on Thursday, April 27th, you have already fulfilled this
requirement and do not have to attend this second orientation.

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out. Have a
great Thursday!

Dayna De La Cruz (She/They
*Young Voices of Science (YVoS) &*
*Community Relations Specialist *
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