[HubbardBrookCOS] Are your students interested in remotely attending this year's Cooperators' meetings?

Maribeth Rubenstein rubensteinm at caryinstitute.org
Sun May 9 21:14:31 EDT 2021

Dear Hubbard Brook Researchers,

One of the upsides of the current remote world is that we are able to
broaden access to Hubbard Brook events. To that end, we would like to
include any interested students at the Cooperators’ Meeting in July and to
welcome them with a pre-meeting orientation. This orientation would include
background about the HB site, insights about key studies, and a bit of
“what to expect” for the meeting itself. We could also provide some kind of
channel (Discord, Slack, etc.) for your students to communicate with you
and each other during the meeting—and potentially follow-up after the

If you would like to participate—i.e., reach out to your students to invite
them to participate, please be in touch with Maribeth Rubenstein (
rubensteinm at caryinstitute.org) for further details.

Best regards,

Maribeth Rubenstein

Assistant to the Scientific Staff - LTER


rubensteinm at caryinstitute.org

845-677-7600 ext. 236

Hubbard Brook Ecosystem LTER Study <http://www.hubbardbrook.org/>, Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/hubbardbrooknh/>, @HubbardBrookNH

Baltimore Ecosystem LTER Study <http://baltimoreecosystemstudy.org>,
Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/BESlter/>, Instagram
<https://www.instagram.com/bes.lter/>, @BESlter

Tree Smart Trade <https://www.caryinstitute.org/science/tree-smart-trade> to
prevent the importation of forest pests, @treeSMARTtrade
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