[HubbardBrookCOS] Second call: Workshop Invitation: Future Forests - Future Streams Study at Hubbard Brook

Bill Keeton William.Keeton at uvm.edu
Tue Jun 23 11:49:33 EDT 2020

A friendly reminder before we close out the Doodle Poll tomorrow (see below)...

Workshop Announcement
Future Forests - Future Streams
Monday, June 29, 9:00 - 11:30 AM
Invitation: Please join for us a workshop to design an exciting new experiment at Hubbard Brook, called Future Forests - Future Streams (FUFOR).  At this online workshop (Zoom link below or here<https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85831187371>), participants will be asked to consider a number of design options for the study and to brainstorm regarding how to connect their own research interests for integration across as many projects as possible.
Full project title: Dynamic forest-stream interactions: experimental acceleration of late-successional stream functions
Study summary: With the majority of secondary forests in the northeastern U.S. still in a mature or mid-successional condition, it remains poorly understand how late-successional stand development will interact with gap forming disturbances like wind and ice storms. An important question is whether dynamic patch mosaics will generate a different mix of ecosystem services compared to the younger, structurally simpler forests we have along streams and rivers today. We are planning a collaborative, interdisciplinary experiment at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest. The study will evaluate how complex riparian forest structure associated with late-successional development, namely canopy gap formation and large woody material recruitment, influence stream ecosystem functions through effects on stream light and temperature, in-stream productivity, nutrient processing and retention, carbon fluxes, and aquatic habitat characteristics, as well as changes in channel geomorphology and hydrology that relate to flood resistance.  The study will also provide opportunities for investigations of responses across a wide array of terrestrial and aquatic biota. Collaboration across projects will greatly enrich this experiment.
Workshop agenda:

*       Updates on study progress, including initial funding and baseline forest and stream surveys

*       Discussion of candidate study sites at HBEF identified through baseline surveys

*       Discussion of 4 experimental design options, with varying levels of replication and footprint (i.e. required area)

*       Brainstorming regarding layering of complimentary research interests

*       Brainstorming regarding permanent sampling layout; framework for a wide range of supplementary studies

*       Identifying opportunities for stakeholder engagement and application of research findings

*       Selection of a final design study and recommendations for next steps, including collaborative grant writing
RSVP by COB on Wednesday, June 24st via this Doodle Poll<https://doodle.com/poll/r2ibe5rmev3m5dpu>.
Look forward to your participation!
Bill Keeton, University of Vermont


Topic: Future Forests - Future Streams Design Workshop
Time: Jun 29, 2020 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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