[HubbardBrook] IMPORTANT: Hubbard Brook Field Season Information!

Dayna De La Cruz ddelacruz at hubbardbrookfoundation.org
Sat Apr 6 08:30:00 EDT 2024

Hi All,

I hope you are all well! I am reaching out with some tools, some requests
and some announcements for PIs/field crews and anyone else who will be
residing on site this summer.

   - *Hubbard Brook Checklists:* Attached are the updated version of the
   Hubbard Brook Hiring Checklist + Guidelines and Expectations Checklist that
   are meant to be optional tools that our community could use if desired.
   Thank you to everyone who provided feedback to these resources.
      - *Hiring Checklist:* An optional tool for PIs/field crew members to
      use during the hiring process to help improve communication about job
      - *Guidelines and Expectations Checklist:* An optional tool to
      facilitate communication about expectations within field crews (members,
      PI’s, visitors, etc.) and among residents.

   - *Housing Survey:* We are doing things a bit different this year. We
   are still sending out an *optional* Housing Survey
   <https://forms.gle/xxMKX9t9HQK96MhN9> to our residents which is meant to
   help improve housing arrangements and provide a safe and inclusive
   housing experience for everyone. However, we would like for this process
   to be useful to you all and be more of a collaboration. We understand that
   each field crew and institution may have their own method of rooming
   arranging, so we will be providing the survey responses that we receive to
   the respective PI's/field crew leaders in the form of an excel sheet. Feel
   free to use this link <https://forms.gle/xxMKX9t9HQK96MhN9> to send to
   your crews if you find this helpful. (Form Deadline: Friday, April 19th)

   - *Hubbard Brook Orientation*: We have two official dates for the
   *mandatory* Hubbard Brook Zoom Orientation: *Monday, April 22nd and
   Thursday, April 25th*. Here, future residents will get to know those in
   their community, revise housing/code of conduct policies and answer any
   questions. Both dates will be the* same event so attendance to only one
   of the orientations is needed.* *Please have them fill out this time
   availability poll by  <https://forms.gle/TgViEeDBQtA3449R9>**Friday,
   April 12th <https://forms.gle/TgViEeDBQtA3449R9>.* Official times will
   be selected and announced later this month.

One of our goals for this season is to improve the communication we have
with folks bringing/leading crews on site in order for us to have all the
updated information that we need to continue moving forward (arrival dates,
departure dates, emergency contact forms, names of students, etc.). Please
feel free to reach out with any questions (
ddelacruz at hubbardbrookfoundation.org), and I am looking forward to a great
field season!

Dayna De La Cruz (She/They
*Young Voices of Science (YVoS) &*
*Community Relations Specialist *
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