[Zaphod-Users] Portland Group Compiler

Douglas Larson djl at artemis.sr.unh.edu
Mon Dec 17 14:08:17 EST 2007

The pgi suite was upgraded to 7.1-1
The usual module command should work, e.g.

you at h101:~> module avail

/usr/local/Modules3.1.6/modulefiles ---------------------------------------
dot                          mpich-gcc4/p4/1.2.7-gcc4     pgi32/7.0-2
gcc/4.1.1                    mpich-pgi7/gm/1.2.7..15-pgi7 pgi32/7.1
gm/2.0.22                    null                         pgi32/7.1-1
module-info                  pgi/5.2                      pgi64/5.2
modules                      pgi/7.0                      pgi64/7.0
mpich/gm/1.2.6..14a(default) pgi/7.0-2                    pgi64/7.0-2
mpich/p4/1.2.6               pgi/7.1                      pgi64/7.1
mpich/p4/1.2.7(default)      pgi/7.1-1                    pgi64/7.1-1
mpich-gcc/gm/1.2.6..14a-gcc  pgi32/5.2                    pgi_32/5.2
mpich-gcc4/gm/1.2.7..15-gcc4 pgi32/7.0                    use.own
you at h101:~> module load pgi64/7.1-1 mpich-pgi7/gm/1.2.7..15-pgi7
-bash: C++=/opt/pgi/linux86-64/7.1-1/bin/pgcpp: No such file or directory
-bash: export: `C++': not a valid identifier
you at h101:~> module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) pgi64/7.1-1                    2) mpich-pgi7/gm/1.2.7..15-pgi7

As far as I know, the 'C++' error will not affect fortran. They probably
should have used
CXX to avoid special characters.


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