[Zaphod-Users] error on file not found

tom fogal tfogal at apollo.sr.unh.edu
Thu Oct 26 13:42:02 EDT 2006

 <4492. at webmail.eos.sr.unh.edu>Lei Xiao write
>  The following message displayed when I run my batch file:
>"/var/spool/pbs/mom_priv/jobs/21059.h101..SC: line 8: 1: No such file or
>  Did any one happen to encouter the same problem?

Unfamiliar to me, but I'll make a guess && comments.

>My batch file looks like this:
>#! /bin/bash

You've got an extra space here.  It might be trying to interpret that
space as the program to use to run your PBS script.




>#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1:eth
>#PBS -l walltime=60:00:00
>#PBS -d /home/eos/lei/modis
>mpiexec ./prosailVec_full.exe try1.txt test_bound.txt
>example_variable_dist.txt example_best.txt example_temperature.txt <1 1 1
>1 1 1

Is this actually multiple lines in your script?  If it is, you don't
want it to be.  Either put it on one line, or use backslash (\) escapes
to prevent the line break, like so:

   mpiexec my_program \
      argument1 argument2 argument3 \
      some_more_arguments \
      < file_to_read_standard_input_from

It also looks like you mean to use the string "1 1 1 1 1 1" as the
standard input to the program.  What you currently have here is to
specify that the 6 files 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, and 1 will be concatenated (in
that order...) and used as the standard input to the program.  If you
actually mean to have the string "1 1 1 1 1 1" sent as the standard
input, use a file or echo things somehow.

   echo "1 1 1 1 1 1" > my_stdin_file
   mpiexec my_program arguments < my_stdin_file

   echo "1 1 1 1 1 1" | mpiexec my_program arguments

Hope this helps,


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