[Zaphod-Users] batch problem - server kills the run

Alexander Vapirev avapirev at cisunix.unh.edu
Thu Oct 19 14:29:05 EDT 2006


I start a job on a single node on zaphod and after some time (30-40
mins) the server kills the run. The program runs perfectly on my desktop
so this is not a programing error. Here is my batch (after I've tried
several of them):

#PBS -q long -l nodes=1:ppn=1:myri
#PBS -l walltime=72:00:00
cd /home/space/vapirev/2001storm-ram-new/

I don't have an MPI code. Any help?


Alexander E. Vapirev
Space Science Center at EOS Institute
University of New Hampshire
phone: 603 862 0712

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