[Zaphod-Users] Zaphod scheduling system

John Dorelli john.dorelli at unh.edu
Fri Oct 7 14:02:35 EDT 2005

Hi all,

We have implemented a new scheduling system.  There are currently four
PBS queues:  'all', 'long' and 'analysis', and 'debug.'  There are also
three classes of nodes:  'eth', 'myri' and 'storage.'  These sets of
nodes have been reserved as follows:

1.  the 'eth' and 'myri' nodes are accessible only by jobs submitted to
the 'long', 'all' and 'debug' queues.

2.  the 'storage' nodes are accessible only by jobs submitted to the
'all' and 'analysis' queues.

The 'long' queue is also the default.

Example 1:  To submit a job to the 'long' queue and request 10 'myri'

#PBS -q long -l nodes=10:ppn=2:myri

Example 2:  To submit a job to the 'analysis' queue (only storage nodes)

#PBS -q analysis -l nodes=1:ppn=2

The 'long' and 'all' queues have walltime limits of 168:00:00.  The
'analysis' queue has a walltime limit of 24:00:00 and a node limit of
1.  The debug queue has a walltime limit of 1:00:00 and a node limit of

Unfortunately, Maui does NOT seem to support requesting multiple node
attributes as follows:

#PBS -q all -l nodes=10:ppn=2:myri+1:ppn=2:storage

If you do something like this, your job will not run.  Instead, use the

#PBS -q all -W x=HOSTLIST:m[101-110],s101

See the following page for more resource manager extensions (like


Let me know if you have problems, requests or suggestions.

Dr. John C. Dorelli
UNH-EOS Space Science Center
245E Morse Hall, 39 College Road
Durham, NH 03824-3525
Office:  (603)862-0613
Cell:  (240)418-2582
john.dorelli at unh.edu

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