[Trillian-users] Fwd: acknowledgment of NSF MRI awards

Jimmy Raeder J.Raeder at unh.edu
Thu May 24 09:54:41 EDT 2018

To all Trillian users:

Please see the note from the NSF program officer below.
This is very important and may affect our chances of getting a Trillian follow-on.

An appropriate text snippet can be found on the Trillian web site (http://trillian-use.sr.unh.edu/index.php/Main_Page <http://trillian-use.sr.unh.edu/index.php/Main_Page>), repeated here:

Computations were performed on Trillian, a Cray XE6m-200 supercomputer at UNH supported by the NSF MRI program under grant PHY-1229408.

Also, for every paper published that used Trillian, please send me the the digital identifier (DOI or ISBN).
Don’t worry about sending something multiple times, still better than missing something.
We will need that for our next proposal.

Thanks — Jimmy

Joachim (Jimmy) Raeder
Professor of Physics, Department of Physics & Space Science Center
University of New Hampshire
245G Morse Hall, 8 College Rd, Durham, NH 03824-3525
voice: 603-862-3412  mobile: 603-502-9505  assistant: 603-862-1431
e-mail: J.Raeder at unh.edu
WWW: http://mhd.sr.unh.edu/~jraeder/tmp.homepage

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Lukin, Vyacheslav S." <VLUKIN at nsf.gov>
> Subject: acknowledgment of NSF MRI awards
> Date: May 24, 2018 at 12:50:22 AM EDT
> To: Edward Thomas <etjr at auburn.edu>, CARY B FOREST <cary.forest at wisc.edu>, Troy Carter <tcarter at physics.ucla.edu>, Walter Gekelman <gekelman at physics.ucla.edu>, Hantao Ji <hji at princeton.edu>, "kmkr at umich.edu" <kmkr at umich.edu>, PAG <gourdain at pas.rochester.edu>, "J.Raeder at unh.edu" <J.Raeder at unh.edu>, "Robert L. Merlino" <robert-merlino at uiowa.edu>, "jwilliams at wittenberg.edu" <jwilliams at wittenberg.edu>, Earl Scime <earl.scime at mail.wvu.edu>, Warren Bicknell Mori <mori at physics.ucla.edu>
> Dear Colleague:
> You’re receiving this note because at some point in the past you were awarded an NSF Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) award and/or are presently managing instrumentation developed or acquired with support provided by an NSF MRI award.
> This note is a reminder that, even if the award itself closed some time ago, research products resulting from continuing use of the instrumentation acquired or constructed via an NSF MRI award should continue to acknowledge the award in an appropriate manner for the lifetime of the instrumentation.  This applies to any research products resulting from the use of the instrumentation, including that by users from outside of your own research group, as may be the case with user facilities that include such instrumentation.
> While I realize that this may not be something you have paid much attention to in the past, please, take particular care to include appropriate acknowledgments in scientific publications, presentations, etc. resulting from the use of NSF MRI-funded instrumentation from now on.
> Thank you and with best regards,
> Slava
> -- 
> Vyacheslav (Slava) Lukin
> Program Director, Plasma Physics & Accelerator Science
> Division of Physics, National Science Foundation
> email: vlukin at nsf.gov <mailto:vlukin at nsf.gov>
> phone: (703) 292-7382

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