[Trillian-users] NSF reporting for Trillian

Jimmy Raeder j.raeder at unh.edu
Thu Jul 3 13:55:43 EDT 2014

Thanks to those who have responded by now, and a reminder for those who haven't. -- Jimmy

Dear Trillian users:

Trillian has been in operation for one year now, and I hope it has served you well.  
Our NSF program officer, Stephen Gitomer, has requested that I report all publications that resulted from the use of Trillian.  
I thus ask you to send me such information in the following form:

*  thesis:  full citation
*  paper that is already published:  just the DOI
*  otherwise: first author, title, journal, status (in review or in press)

please respond by Friday, 7/4, COB, even if you have nothing.  I'll be sending reminders to those I haven't heard from.

cheers --  Jimmy

Joachim (Jimmy) Raeder
Professor of Physics, Department of Physics & Space Science Center
University of New Hampshire
245G Morse Hall, 8 College Rd, Durham, NH 03824-3525
voice: 603-862-3412  mobile: 603-502-9505  assistant: 603-862-1431
e-mail: J.Raeder at unh.edu  
WWW: http://mhd.sr.unh.edu/~jraeder/tmp.homepage

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