SHINE Newsletter June 2019


Dear SHINE Community,


Just a quick reminder to register for the SHINE 2019 Workshop! Hotel reservation deadline for the Millenium Harvest House Boulder is July 1 (see details at  Details of the workshop sessions and the workshop schedule are also posted on the SHINE website. 



Georgia A. de Nolfo

SHINE Steering Committee Chair






1.     JOB OPENING: University of Colorado, Boulder/NOAA Solar Researcher

2.       NASA SMD Program Scientist job announcement

3.       JOB OPENING: Senior Vice President of Science, USRA

4.     Announcement: Session 1 at this year’s SHINE meeting  (August 5-9) in Boulder, CO, on Exploring the Middle Corona



1. JOB OPENING: University of Colorado, Boulder/NOAA Solar Researcher

The Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at the University of Colorado Boulder has an immediate opening for a Research Associate for work related to the Extreme Ultraviolet and X-ray Irradiance Sensors (EXIS) on the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite Series-R (GOES-R). The space weather team within NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) is responsible for supporting NOAA’s space weather mission and for ensuring the operational and scientific utility of NOAA’s space environmental data. The first two of the next-generation GOES-R satellites were recently launched and are now called GOES-16 and GOES-17. The GOES-R spacecraft include a complement of space weather sensors to monitor the local space environment and the sun.


The selected candidate will work closely with the NCEI EXIS instrument team to improve the on-orbit instrument calibration and validation of the EXIS instrument, to develop tools to analyze EXIS data, to improve X-ray and ultraviolet time series datasets from previous GOES satellites, and to conduct research using these instruments.


Further information and the job application link are available at:


For more information, please contact: Dr. Janet Machol



2. NASA SMD Program Scientist job announcement


SMD will fill multiple GS-1301-14/15 AST, Science Program Management (Program Scientist) positions in the Earth Science Division, Heliophysics Division, Planetary Science Division, Astrophysics Division, or Front Office.


This will be a Direct Hire Authority (DHA) announcement through USAJOBS, so it will only be open for 5 days. The short period that the announcement is open is due to the type of hiring authority, which streamlines the hiring process and assists with rapidly filling competitive positions.


The announcement is open to the public and all federal employees in the competitive service.


3. JOB OPENING: Senior Vice President of Science, USRA


Universities Space Research Association (USRA) in Columbia, MD is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Senior Vice President of Science.  USRA is a private, nonprofit corporation founded in 1969 under the auspices of the National Academy of Sciences. USRA's chartered purpose is the development and application of space- related science, technology and engineering.


The Senior Vice President (SVP), Science will lead USRA's Science organization, which consists of institutes and programs in astrophysics, lunar and planetary science, Earth sciences, and education.  The SVP is responsible for all aspects of program operations, including technical performance, subcontractor oversight, personnel management, safety, ethical standards, compliance with all laws and regulations, and financial performance.  The Science organization at USRA employs roughly 300 full-time staff at various locations.  The SVP is responsible for the continued operation and long-term growth of the Science organization and for working collaboratively with USRA's Technology organization, led by a separate SVP.


For additional information, or to submit an application, please visit:


USRA Senior Vice President, Science<>



4.  Announcement: Session 1 at this year’s SHINE meeting  (August 5-9) in Boulder, CO, on Exploring the Middle Corona


In recent years there has been a push to explore this region through  large field-of-view imagers combined with radio observations and models.  However, we're still waiting for the next generation of imagers to fully  explore the energetics and dynamics of this region.


In this session we want to explore the region with available  instruments, combining data-sets, e.g. large field-of-view EUV images,  radio observations, coronagraphs etc. with models, to help characterize  how structures change throughout the region.


We have identified a couple of tentative events to use as case studies  (2017-Apr-1 and 2017-Apr-18), but any input observations from the region  are welcome. We encourage contributions that model the eruptions and  observations that will help characterize the events and provide  constraints to the models. In particular exploring the energetics in the  wake of the CME and how they evolve across the magnetic/thermal regime  change.


Some key questions we aim to address are:


1) How do eruptions evolve through the region?

2) What are the changing 'energetics' observed in the region throughout

and following the eruption?

3) What can be learned about the background middle corona?


Please see our full session description here:


Invited Scene-Setting Speakers:  Cooper Downs (Predictive Science) and

Sabrina Savage (MSFC)


Organizers:  Matthew J West & Daniel B Seaton