SHINE Newsletter December 2018 

Dear SHINE Community,

We can finally confirm that the SHINE 2019 workshop will be held in Boulder, Colorado between August 5-9 (Student Day on August 4th).  We will be sending details on registration/hotels soon.  

Just a reminder that SHINE session proposals are due Jan 15, 2019.  Please reach out to SHINE Steering Committee members with questions concerning submitting a session proposal, particularly if there is an exciting problem or topic that you would like to see discussed at the meeting.  Steering Committee Members include Kathy Reeves, Marc DeRosa, Ben Maruca, Gregory Howes, Lynn Wilson, Cooper Downs, Nicholeen Viall-Kepko and SHINE coordinator Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla. 

Happy Holidays & 2019 !



Georgia A. de Nolfo

SHINE Steering Committee Chair




1.      Call for Session Proposals for the 2019 SHINE Workshop (Deadline: Jan 15)

2.      New NSF CubeSAT Solicitation   

3.      NASA LWS 2019 Heliophysics Summer Summer School - Heliophysics Exploration

4.      Mid-scale Research Infrastructure-2 (Mid-scale RI-2)

5.      Invitation to join Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions campaigns

6.      Scintillating Science: Cutting-Edge Science Achieved Through the Observations of Radio Scintillation” Workshop

7.      Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR): Institutes for Data-Intensive Research in Science and Engineering - Ideas Labs



1. Call for Session Proposals for the 2019 SHINE Workshop (Deadline: Jan 15)

If there is a topic that you would like to see included in next year's Workshop, please consider proposing a session. Session proposals can be very brief (about one page), should include a list of questions that the session will focus on, and can be emailed to me at More detailed guidelines for session organizers are included on the SHINE website, (see the first link in the right sidebar of that web page). If you have an idea for a session but would like help organizing it, you can still submit a session proposal. If your proposed session goes forward, the Steering Committee will look for a co-organizer to work with you. The Steering Committee encourages the submission of interdisciplinary proposals that connect more than one of the principle sub-disciplines represented at SHINE.

In addition to 2019 workshop session proposals, the Steering Committee would like to encourage the submission of proposals for a SHINE Working Group. A Working Group would consist of 2-3 organizers who have an inter-disciplinary science topic that can be explored in 1-day sessions over 2-3 years. Members of the Working Group would help to organize and sustain the session through multiple years bringing continuity and growth to the identified science topic. Proposals should identify inter-disciplinary topics and present a plan for exploring this topic over

multiple years.  The deadline for submitting session proposals is January 15, 2019.


2. New NSF CubeSAT Solicitation   

The National Science Foundation’s Division of Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences, Division of Computer and Network Systems, and Division of Electrical, Communications, & Cyber Systems have released a new cross-directorate CubeSat solicitation entitled “Ideas Lab: Cross-cutting Initiative in CubeSat Innovations.”

The solicitation description is at

The solicitation details are at


3. NASA LWS 2019 Heliophysics Summer Summer School - Heliophysics Exploration

*July **23 - 30**, 2019 - Boulder, CO*

*Application Deadline: February 22, 2019*

Heliophysics Exploration

Applications are invited for the 2019 Heliophysics Summer School, which

will be held July 23 - 30, 2019 in beautiful Boulder, Colorado. We are

seeking approximately 35 graduate students or first or second year

postdoctoral fellows to join us this coming summer for a unique

professional experience. You will learn about the exciting science of

heliophysics as a broad, coherent discipline that reaches in space from the

Earth’s troposphere to the depths of the Sun, and in time from the

formation of the solar system to the distant future.


The 2019 Summer School will focus on the Heliophysics System Observatory

(HSO) which is comprised of numerous spacecraft studying each element of

the heliophysics system separately, as well as their interaction.  Several

exciting new spacecraft have been added to the HSO over the past several

years, including Magnetospheric Multi-scale (MMS) and Parker Solar Probe

(PSP). More are due to be added very soon, including ICON.  Measurements

and discoveries from these latest additions will fuel and focus our

scientific research over the coming years. The 2019 Heliophysics Summer

School will focus on the fundamental scientific principles underlying the

areas these new measurements will probe.  The aim is to provide students

with the background and understanding they need to do research and make

discoveries in the heliophysics system in the coming years.


For additional information on the Summer School and instructions on how to



*Kendra Greb, CGMP* |  Program Administrator

Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science (CPAESS)

University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)

P.O. Box 3000  |  Boulder, Colorado 80307

  | |   


4. Mid-scale Research Infrastructure-2 (Mid-scale RI-2)

The NSF Mid-scale Research Infrastructure-2 Program (Mid-scale RI-2) supports implementation of projects that comprise any combination of equipment, instrumentation, computational hardware and software, and the necessary commissioning and human capital in support of implementation of the same. The total cost for Mid-scale RI-2 projects ranges from $20 million to below the minimum award funded by the Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction (MREFC) Program, currently $70 million. Mid-scale RI-2 projects will directly enable advances in any of the research domains supported by NSF, including STEM education. Projects may also include upgrades to existing research infrastructure. 

Full program description available at




Michael Wiltberger

Geospace Section Head


5. Invitation to join Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions campaigns

It’s solar minimum. In the tradition of Whole Sun Month (1996) and Whole Heliosphere Interval (2008), it’s time for Whole Heliosphere & Planetary

Interactions (2019) - WHPI!

        Goal: A coordinated observing and modeling effort to characterize the

three-dimensional interconnected solar-heliospheric-planetary system. By

focussing on specific solar rotations near solar minimum, structures and

activity can be unambiguously traced throughout the heliosphere and into

planetary space environments.

        When: 3 target intervals:

Jul 2019 - Solar eclipse

Sep 2019 - Parker Solar Probe at perihelion

Dec 2019 - Parker Solar Probe Venus flyby

Who: Everyone is welcome - it?s a grassroots effort.  Sign up - we will

have telecons and workshops to coordinate analyses.

       See for further details.


*Sarah Gibson*


Solar Frontiers Section Head

3080 Center Green Drive

Boulder, CO 80301


6. Scintillating Science: Cutting-Edge Science Achieved Through the Observations of Radio Scintillation” Workshop


Dear Colleagues. 

We would like you to save the dates and draw your attention to our upcoming “Scintillating Science: Cutting-Edge Science Achieved Through the Observations of Radio Scintillation” focussed/specialist workshop which will be held in Hermanus (near Cape Town), South Africa, the week of 15th July 2019.  The workshop will cover all aspects of scintillation from the science (including all the domains in which it can be applied, e.g. ionosphere, heliosphere, interstellar) through to engineering concepts/requirements including all aspects of its theory/modelling.  Further details will follow early in 2019. 

Enjoy the Holidays and see you in 2019!


Best wishes,

Mario M. Bisi (UKRI STFC RAL Space – SOC Co-Chair)

Mike Kosch (SANSA/Lancaster University – SOC Co-Chair/LOC Chair)


8.      Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR): Institutes for Data-Intensive Research in Science and Engineering - Ideas Labs

The overarching goal of the HDR Institutes DIRSE Ideas Labs is to foster convergent approaches to enable data-intensive research in science and engineering through a series of facilitated activities bringing together scientists and engineers working on important data-intensive science and engineering problems with data scientists, e.g., computer and computational scientists, mathematicians, statisticians, and information scientists with expertise in different aspects of modeling and data analysis as well as systems and cyberinfrastructure specialists with expertise in open source software development, reproducibility, and transfer learning.  The Ideas Labs will focus on areas that: (1) are at a ?tipping point? where a timely investment in data-intensive approaches has the maximum potential for a transformative effect; (2) have needs that can benefit from interdisciplinary investments in data analytics infrastructure; and (3) represent investment priorities for NSF science and engineering directorates during, and beyond, the lifetime of the HDR Big Idea. 

US researchers may submit preliminary proposals for participating in the Ideas Labs only via Fastlane.  Based on the number of preliminary proposals and the science and engineering areas and data science expertise represented by the applicant pool, one or more Ideas Labs may be scheduled in parallel. Participation in an Ideas Lab is required to be eligible to submit a full conceptualization proposal pursuant to this solicitation. Multidisciplinary ideas developed in an Ideas Lab will be submitted as full conceptualization proposals to NSF by invitation only. Interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers is required in the invited full conceptualization proposals.

The deadline for preliminary proposals by individuals wishing to participate is January 28, 2019.  The full Ideas Lab itself will occur on April 22-26, 2019.

Full solicitation at