Dear Colleagues,

     I am sending this e-mail to announce that I currently looking to
fill an open position for a postdoctoral researcher in space physics.
The position is primarily focused on the analysis of spacecraft
measurements of electromagnetic fields and particle velocity
distributions (from MMS as well as other heliospheric and planetary
missions including THEMIS/ARTEMIS, MAVEN, Cluster, Wind, etc.), but
the position will also include direct involvement with complementary
efforts in kinetic theory and kinetic numerical simulation studies of
particle energization and plasma heating by heliospheric plasma
turbulence.  I am attaching a PDF-format advertisement with more
information about the position.

Please let me know if you have any suitable graduating students
looking for a postdoctoral position or current postdocs looking to
move on to a new position, and pass along the advertisement to them.
Please also feel free to forward this e-mail to other colleagues who
may know of good candidates for this position.

Thank you for your help in spreading the word.

Greg Howes
Associate Professor
Department of Physics and Astronomy
505 Van Allen Hall
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1479
Office: (319) 335-1221
Fax: (319) 335-1753

Popular Science Book Project on Space Weather
Partly Cloudy with a Slight Chance of X-Rays: Space Weather Explained
Twitter: @profgxray,