SHINE Newsletter April 2018

Dear SHINE Community,

Just a reminder that the registration for the 2018 SHINE workshop is now open. SHINE will take place from July 30th to August 3rd (student day July 29th) in Cocoa Beach, FL jointly at the Courtyard Marriott (posters) and Hilton (oral sessions).

This year we will have 26 sessions and a Town Hall (you can find details on the SHINE website :  In order to accommodate the tremendous participation this year in addition to the Parker Solar Probe launch, we have made some changes to the usual SHINE schedule that we want to bring to your attention (please take the time to read about the changes below).  In addition, the SHINE schedule is now posted on our website.  

Looking forward to seeing you in Florida in July!

Georgia A. de Nolfo
SHINE Steering Committee Chair


  1. SHINE 2018 Workshop Session Details.
3.   SPEDAS 3.00 Release Announcement 

1.  SHINE 2018 Workshop Sessions 

Changes to the SHINE Schedule:
Given the large number of sessions this year, we will not have our usual 4-minute session descriptions on Monday.  There will be an opportunity to show session descriptions as a one-slide electronic display. Session organizers may want to consider taking advantage of this and submit their slides to either me or Noé Lugaz.  After Monday’s sessions, all sessions will begin at  10:30/10:45, depending on the day, given that the PSP launch is during the late evening. Finally, unlike past SHINE sessions, we will have an afternoon session on Friday until 3:30 pm.

Workshop details:
The scientific program (27 sessions) and details about the registration and abstract submission processes are listed in the SHINE website ( ).  Rooms are available at both hotels at the rate of $169 (Courtyard Marriott) and $159 (Hilton). Researchers who are required to pay the per diem rate should contact Noé Lugaz or Umbe Cantu directly.  The registration fee includes one poster per person; this year, no additional posters are allowed. 

Important deadlines: 
— Student support request deadline: April 20th (through the SHINE website) - By this deadline, Ms. Cantu should have received the letter of support from the student’s advisor.
——Early-bird registration ($450) deadline: May 18th - extra fee of $50 afterwards. Participants who have completed their registration, including payment, by the early-bird deadline will have the opportunity to apply to attend the PSP launch at KSC. Details on this are forthcoming.
—Hotel Reservation deadline: June 22nd (link and conference code provided on the SHINE website)


Dear Colleagues,


We are looking for suggestions for the AGU Bowie Lectures for Space Physics and Aeronomy. This year we are looking for a nominee from the Magnetospheres (for the Van Allen Lecture) and one from Solar-Heliospheric (for the Parker Lecture) disciplines. The lectureships are described at:


Please send nominations to Larry Paxton (larry.paxton at and Christina Cohen (cohen at A short paragraph describing why your nominee should be awarded this Lectureship would be very helpful.

3. SPEDAS 3.00 Release Announcement.

The SPEDAS development team is pleased to announce the release of SPEDAS 3.00!

SPEDAS (Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software) is a framework, written in IDL, to support loading, plotting, analysis, and integration of data from a number of space- and ground-based observatories, including THEMIS, MMS, GOES, ERG, IUGONET, and most data sets archived at CDAWeb.

More detailed SPEDAS 3.00 release notes are available here:

Download and installation instructions can be found here:

Documentation is available on the SPEDAS wiki: