Dear Bernard,

Thank you for submitting your session proposals for the 2018 SHINE Workshop. I am happy to inform you that the SHINE Steering Committee has selected your session for inclusion in the Workshop program.   We were able to allot a one 1/2-day session. 

Noé Lugaz and I  will also act as a Steering Committee member and help to provide guidance on the best ways to organize a successful SHINE workshop.  Over the years, the Steering Committee has identified a number of best practices for keeping SHINE sessions focused on discussion.  As you plan your session, please keep these best practices (listed below) in mind and reach out to I or other Steering Committee members with additional questions.  

If you have any questions about the Workshop or scientific program, just let me know.

I look forward to seeing you in Florida!



Some best practices for SHINE session leaders:

--- Focusing on a small number of science questions that will generate discussion. Sessions that attempt to address too many questions often revert to AGU-like sessions, with a series of presentations rather than the interactive, back-and-forth discussion that can make SHINE sessions so productive.

--- Working with scene-setting speakers (two per half-day session) to ensure that their presentations stay under the time limit (~15 minutes) and that they set up the state of the field as it pertains to the focus questions of the session. That way the scene-setting talks help set up the discussion. 

--- Accepting one or two slides from participants who want to present something, but not guaranteeing them that they will be able to present that material. Instead, showing participants' slides only if the slides become relevant to the evolving discussion of the session.  You may want to leave time at the end of the session to summarize the session as a group.

--- On the day after the session occurs, there will be time during the morning plenary session for you to give a 10-minute presentation on the ``Progress and Prospects'' of your session. For this presentation, it works best to give a synthesis of the interactive discussion that occurred in the session rather than a summary of separate points made during separate presentations. ``Progress and Prospects'' presentations that focus on this interactive discussion can be a very interesting and valuable part of the Workshop, but presentations that summarize the 1-2 slide presentations given by participants generally do not go over so well.

On Jan 15, 2018, at 4:20 PM, Bernard V. Jackson <> wrote:

Dear SHINE steering committee,
Attached find our SHINE Workshop session proposal about CME’s.
Both Mario and I have our airfares this coming summer to the SHINE conference in Coco Beach, and so for sure we intend to be present at the conference. Others (Dave Webb, and Hsiu-Shan Yu) are informed of this submission, and will perhaps help in our session at SHINE, but as of today’s due date for the SHINE Workshop session proposal, their schedules this summer are uncertain to us.
Thank you for your consideration of this SHINE session proposal request.
Bernard Jackson, and Mario Bisi
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2018 8:44 AM
Subject: [Shine-participants] SHINE Newsletter January 2018
SHINE Newsletter January 2018

Dear SHINE Community,

Happy 2018!

Please note that the deadline for SHINE 2018 Workshop session proposals is approaching: Jan 15, 2018.  The SHINE 2018 workshop will be held in Cocoa Beach, Florida the week of July 30- August 3, 2018 (Student Day is July 29). If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to me, Noé Lugaz, or other Steering Committee members :  Kelly Korreck, Gregory Howes, Stephen White, Eric Christian, Kathy Reeves, Ben Maruca, and Marc DeRosa. 

Looking forward to your session proposals!

Georgia A. de Nolfo
SHINE Steering Committee Chair


  1. Call for Session Proposals for the 2018 SHINE Workshop (Deadline: Jan. 15).
  2. Session D2.3 at COSPAR 2018 in “Solar Transients: From Solar Origin to Earth Impact and the Outer Heliosphere”

1.  Call for Session Proposals for the 2018 SHINE Workshop
If there is a topic that you would like to see included in next year's Workshop, please consider proposing a session. Session proposals can be very brief (about one page), should include a list of questions that the session will focus on, and can be emailed to me at More detailed guidelines for session organizers are included on the SHINE website, (see the first link in the right sidebar of that web page). If you have an idea for a session but would like help organizing it, you can still submit a session proposal. If your proposed session goes forward, the Steering Committee will look for a co-organizer to work with you. The Steering Committee encourages the submission of inter-disciplinary proposals that connect more than one of the principle sub-disciplines represented at SHINE. 

In addition to 2018 workshop session proposals, the Steering Committee would like to encourage the submission of proposals for a SHINE Working Group.  A Working Group would consist of 2-3 organizers who have an inter-disciplinary science topic that can be explored in 1-day sessions over 2-3 years. Members of the Working Group would help to organize and sustain the session through multiple years bringing continuity and growth to the identified science topic.  Proposals should identify inter-disciplinary topics and present a plan for exploring this topic over multiple years.

The deadline for submitting session proposals is January 15, 2018.

2. Session D2.3 at COSPAR 2018 in “Solar Transients: From Solar Origin to Earth Impact and the Outer Heliosphere”

We are pleased to announce the following session at the 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Pasadena, California, July 14 – 22, 2108: Session D2.3 entitled as “Solar Transients: From Solar Origin to Earth Impact and the Outer Heliosphere”. This five-half-day-long session will cover a variety of topics, including (1) solar origin of transients: flares, CMEs, filament eruptions, coronal holes, particle acceleration and active regions that are potentially geo-effective, (2) CMEs, CIRs and shocks evolution in the Interplanetary Space: observations, theory and simulation of CMEs, Sheaths, CIRs from the Sun to the Earth and beyond, and transport and impact of solar and galactic energetic particles. (3) Campaign study of Earth-affecting events: focused study on carefully selected events, such as St. Patrick Day's event, standard or "textbook"-type events, stealth events etc. (4) Magnetic flux ropes and Bz Challenge: address the magnetic topology of solar transients, in particular, on the important Z-component of magnetic field. (5) Space weather forecast: emphasizing prediction techniques, their accuracy, validation and limitations for the operational purpose


A complete description of the event referred to above and abstract submission instructions are available on the Assembly web page at: The deadline of abstract submission is February 09, 2018.

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