[Shine-participants] SHINE Newsletter

Benjamin Chandran benjamin.chandran at unh.edu
Fri Feb 28 08:38:12 EST 2014

SHINE Newsletter, February, 2014


1. SCOSTEP’s 13th Quadrennial Solar-Terrestrial Physics Symposium (STP 13)

2. AGU Honor Nominations

1. SCOSTEP’s 13th Quadrennial Solar-Terrestrial Physics Symposium (STP 13)
October 12 – 18, 2014 Titan Times Hotel, Xi’An, Shanxi, China

From: Nat Gopalswamy <nat.gopalswamy at nasa.gov>

The STP13 scientific sessions consist of tutorial lectures/keynotes in the
mornings and focused presentations (invited talks, contributed papers) in the
afternoons. Original research papers are solicited on topics related to Sun-
Earth connection. Papers involving the origin and consequences of the current
weak solar activity are encouraged. Abstracts can be submitted under the
following categories:

1. Mass Chain
a. Origin, evolutions, and Earth impact of coronal mass ejections
b. Origin, evolution, and Earth impact of high speed streams
c. Origin, evolution, and Earth impact of energetic particles from solar,
magnetospheric and galactic sources

2. Electromagnetic Chain
a. Long-term solar variability (magnetism, total irradiance, and spectral
irradiance) and its impact on geospace and Earth
b. Origin of solar flares and their impact on Earth’s ionosphere/atmosphere
c. Coronal and Interplanetary and Terrestrial radio bursts

3. Intra-Atmospheric Chain
a. Geospace response to variability of the lower atmosphere
b. Trends in the entire atmosphere, including anthropogenic aspects
c. Regional, hemispheric and inter-hemispheric couplings and transport in the

4. Workshop on Sun-to-Earth MiniMax24 Events

Financial support: http://stp13.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/8
Abstract submission: http://stp13.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/65558
Registration: http://stp13.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/65554
Accommodation: http://stp13.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/65559

2. AGU Honor Nominations
From: Jim Klimchuk (james.a.klimchuk at nasa.gov)
Please recognize your colleague by nominating them for a Union or Space Physics and Aeronomy Section honor, including:
AGU Fellow
Bowie Medal
Fleming Medal
Macelwane Medal
Scarf Award
Basu (International) Early Career Award
Basu U.S. Early Career Award
SPARC Education and Public Outreach Award
Descriptions of the honors and lists of past winners can be found at:
Fellows:  http://honors.agu.org/fellows/
Union Honors:  http://honors.agu.org/awards-medals-prizes/
Section Honors:  http://honors.agu.org/scientific-contribution/space-physics-and-aeronomy/
All nominations must be made via the website at http://honors.agu.org/. The deadline for Union honors, including AGU Fellow, is March 15, and the deadline for section honors is April 15. Show your colleagues how much they are appreciated!

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