Good Morning,

The New England Space Science Consortium (NESSC) Meeting #27 will be held on

Monday, November 19, 2018 from 10 AM - 5 PM.

The meeting will take place at UMass Lowell in room UCC-158 of the UCC Building.

Please see the meeting information below for more details.

Thank you!


NESSC Meeting #27 on The Outer Heliosphere and the Interstellar Interaction


Monday November 19, 2018, 10 AM – 5 PM

U Mass Lowell, UCC Building, Room UCC-158

Parking is across in the Salem St. lot


Local Organizers: 

Ofer Cohen <ofer_cohen at uml dot edu>

Paul Song <Paul_Song at uml dot edu>


NESSC Organizers:

Nathan Schwadron <nschwadron at unh dot edu>

Merav Opher <mopher at bu dot edu>


Web Organizer:

Ken Fairchild  <Ken.Fairchild at unh dot edu>


Over the last decade, observations from the Voyager Satellites, the Interstellar Boundary Explorer, and Cassini/INCA have ushered in an era of discovery concerning the previously unknown properties of the global heliosphere and its interaction with the local interstellar medium. Wide ranging observations including those of pickup ions, anomalous cosmic rays and suprathermal particles have significant implications for our understanding of global interstellar interactions.


This 27th meeting of the New England Space Science Consortium includes topics concerning the global heliosphere, the local interstellar medium, interstellar interactions, and related topics.  As always, we invite all members of the New England Space Science community to the meeting. And as in all meetings, we will include contributions from participants on wide-ranging topics.


The initial list of speakers is included below. However, at all NESSC meetings we are open to contributed talks and will work speakers into the meeting as necessary.


Speakers Include:

Chuck Smith (UNH) –  evidence of waves due to interstellar pickup He+ and H+.

Merav Opher  (BU) - Global Heliosphere Simulations

Paul Song (UML) – Analytical Approach to Interstellar Boundary Structure

Adam Michaels (BU) – Simulations of the Global Heliosphere

Marc Kornbleuth (BU) – Simulations of the Global Heliosphere

Ofer Cohen (UML) – Modeling of the Heliosphere and Astrospheres         

Fatemeh Rahmanifard (UNH) — Interstellar Neutral H from IBEX

Eberhard Moebius (UNH) — Interstellar Neutral Atoms from IBEX and IMAP 

Marty Lee (UNH)— Analytical Model of Interstellar Neutral Atoms

Nathan Schwadron  (UNH) — IBEX observations of the Ribbon and Globally Distributed Flux over 9 years

Harald Kucharek (UNH) – Secondary Neutral Atoms Observed by IBEX

Phil Isenberg (UNH) – Analytical Modeling of Secondary Neutral Atoms Observed by IBEX