Hi All

Below is a rough agenda for the NESSC meeting on Friday. 




New England Space Science Consortium Meeting #26



Friday May 4, 2018, 10 AM – 5 PM

Room 330/332 Memorial Union, University of New Hampshire

Local Organizers: Nathan Schwadron, Ken Fairchild, Noe Lugaz, Maureen Rodgers, Chuck Smith, Sonya Smith


The Evolving Solar Wind During a Decade of Historically Low Solar Activity: Preparing for Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter


Over more than a decade, Solar and Heliospheric Scientists have observed behavior in the solar wind that is unprecedented through the space age. Solar wind densities, magnetic field strengths and pressures have been exceptionally low, while galactic cosmic ray fluxes have reached new the highest levels in more than 80 years. Solar activity has also been extremely weak during the mini solar maximum of cycle 24. Fundamental to Heliophysics is connection between solar activity, the properties of the solar wind and Heliospheric magnetic field, the nature and frequency of coronal mass ejections, the properties of solar energetic particles and cosmic rays. The physical relationships between these phenomena is a critical area in Heliophysics with wide-reaching implications for space weather, and for upcoming missions including Parker Solar Probe, Solar Orbiter, and the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe.


Below is a rough agenda. However, the format is quite informal and there will be other contributions from attendees.


Reka Winslow:  Predictions for Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter : ICME Evolution and GCR Modulation in the Innermost Heliosphere


Jon Brower:  The Pickup Ion Cutoff Shift in Stream Interaction Regions and Generally Variable Solar Wind Conditions


And Noé:  Expansion of Coronal Mass Ejections in Solar Cycle 24 and Its Consequences


Chuck Smith: Predictions for the coming solar cycle


Fatemeh Rahmanifard: Increased Galactic Cosmic Radiation From Historically Weak Solar Magnetic Fields


Nathan Schwadron: Worsening radiation environment  in the solar system


Deep Solar Activity Minimum 2007-2009: Solar Wind Properties and Major  Effects on the Terrestrial Magnetosphere.  Authors:  C.J. Farrugia, A. B. Galvin and N. Lugaz 


The inner source of pickup ions. Phil Quinn



Contributions from Group

Nathan Schwadron
Norman S. and Anna Marie Waite Professor
University of New Hampshire

Morse Hall - Room 350
8 College Road
Durham NH 03824

(603) 862-3451