[Matgroup] Welcome to the Materials Research Interest Group listserv

Milutinovich, Mark Mark.Milutinovich at unh.edu
Thu Sep 15 11:34:51 EDT 2016

During the MRSEC debrief, a clear bit of feedback was the desire to continue talking as a group. In response, the Research Computing Center has created a listserv called Matgroup to support your continued conversations. I'm not exactly sure how this gets rolled out, but you may have received notification that you've been added to the listserv yesterday afternoon. We seeded that listserv with names of people who participated in the MRSEC discussion (below). Shawna and I have the ability to add/remove people from the list, so please let me know if you have such requests. Other than that, the email address for the listserv is:
matgroup at lists.sr.unh.edu<mailto:matgroup at lists.sr.unh.edu>

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. You should each have the ability to post messages as you see fit. I'm not planning to monitor, so please use it for good not evil.

This listserv is in addition to a group Box folder that you should also have access to, where files can be shared - https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__unh.box.com_s_mzr42os97yb8jkdwd3tt42l2jolmskfm&d=DQIFAg&c=c6MrceVCY5m5A_KAUkrdoA&r=LFuK4xWFSHN5cyd_FdbkpjCbr-BLG9ho7ut0RKrvRT0&m=RbCktHeYO356P6cl78dDZjTookpPsyjM_eHfKatNNds&s=k7PmhJUTtIpLja0wX7vwYPmLiOuG9YgpHX9yZ_8t-_M&e= 

Finally, please let me know if you feel any additional tools would help promote your continued collaboration. I'm more than happy to explore different solutions to fit your needs.


p.s. here are the initial people on the list:
Teng, Xiaowei <XW.Teng at unh.edu<mailto:XW.Teng at unh.edu>>;
Berda, Erik <Erik.Berda at unh.edu<mailto:Erik.Berda at unh.edu>>;
Lashmore, David <David.Lashmore at unh.edu<mailto:David.Lashmore at unh.edu>>;
Li, Gonghu <Gonghu.Li at unh.edu<mailto:Gonghu.Li at unh.edu>>;
Zang, Jiadong Jiadong.Zang at unh.edu<mailto:Jiadong.Zang at unh.edu>
Halpern, Jeffrey <Jeffrey.Halpern at unh.edu<mailto:Jeffrey.Halpern at unh.edu>>;
Pohl, Karsten <Karsten.Pohl at unh.edu<mailto:Karsten.Pohl at unh.edu>>;
Meredith, Dawn <Dawn.Meredith at unh.edu<mailto:Dawn.Meredith at unh.edu>>;
Amato-Wierda, Carmela <carmela.amato-wierda at unh.edu<mailto:carmela.amato-wierda at unh.edu>>;
Miller, Glen <Glen.Miller at unh.edu<mailto:Glen.Miller at unh.edu>>;
Hollen, Shawna <Shawna.Hollen at unh.edu<mailto:Shawna.Hollen at unh.edu>>;
Tsavalas, John <John.Tsavalas at unh.edu<mailto:John.Tsavalas at unh.edu>>;
Caputo, Christine <Christine.Caputo at unh.edu<mailto:Christine.Caputo at unh.edu>>;
Song, Edward <Edward.Song at unh.edu<mailto:Edward.Song at unh.edu>>;
Wu, Kang <Kang.Wu at unh.edu<mailto:Kang.Wu at unh.edu>>;
Vashisth, Harish <Harish.Vashisth at unh.edu<mailto:Harish.Vashisth at unh.edu>>;
Jeong, Kyung Jae <KyungJae.Jeong at unh.edu<mailto:KyungJae.Jeong at unh.edu>>;
Yi, Nan <Nan.Yi at unh.edu<mailto:Nan.Yi at unh.edu>>

Mark Milutinovich, PhD
Director, Large Center Development
Office of the Senior Vice Provost for Research
University of New Hampshire
mark.milutinovich at unh.edu<mailto:mark.milutinovich at unh.edu>


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