During the apogee contact I noticed that the star tracker had not fully recovered from the long outage. Tracker percent valid should have been @80%. Instead, it was in the range of 48% to 58%. During the perigee contacts we tried to power cycle the star tracker to correct the problem. The power cycle was not successful in correcting the anomalous condition. We have planned to do another star tracker image dump on the next set of perigee contacts. The AUWA01 contact has been rescheduled for 1.5 hours on 17 Oct 23 to perform the image dump.

    For the next few orbits, we will be changing the inertial maneuvers to sun maneuvers. Once we better understand the issue with the star tracker, we will make the determination as to whether we will resume scheduling inertial maneuvers.  The ATS for orbit 623 was deleted from the spacecraft and a version 2 with a perigee sun maneuver was uplinked.  We will do the same with the Orbit 624 ATS.



Tasks Accomplished:

SSR Dump -> Dump New

Reset FDC Totals

Reset Master Timer

CAR# 1343 Orbit 624 ATS Upload


CAR# 1345 Orbit 623 ATS Upload version 2





Results from the Sun Maneuver:

CSS Angle TLM 0.786836

CSS Sun-Pointing Angle 1.573672

  06 Sept 23@04:20:00

CSS Angle TLM 0.540317

CSS Sun-Pointing Angle 1.080634

  06 Sept 23@04:20:00


Thruster 1 12720 06 Sept 23@04:20:00

Thruster 2 12416

Thruster 3 15744

Thruster 4 16048


Thruster 1 12928 06 Sept 23@04:20:00

Thruster 2 12560

Thruster 3 16112

Thruster 4 16480

Number of Pulses  

Thruster 1 208

Thruster 2 144

Thruster 3 368

Thruster 4 432

Thruster Pairs 

Thruster 1 & 2 352

Thruster 3 & 4 800




Timothy E.Perry


Mission Operations


Office (703) 406-5976

Cell (301) 606-1430