The spacecraft is nominal, and the inertial maneuver was successful. The Orbit 620 ATS has been uplinked. The SSR was dumped and zero errors. We tried to command thru the new Linux server. Still not seeing the command at the spacecraft.
The SSC NMC is seeing a valid command packet and showing a good echo return. MAESTRO support was in to monitor the support and try to troubleshoot the issue.
Tasks Accomplished:
CAR #1337 Orbit 620 ATS Upload
IBEX_2023_246_o0620a_v001 103 commands
SSR Dump -> Dump New
Master Timer Reset
Results from the Inertial Maneuver:
Q1 -0.27034700 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[0]
Q2 -0.56880200 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[1]
Q3 -0.05088170 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[2]
Q4 0.77510500 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[3]
GPS sec 1376949643 ActNor.EstTime
UTC time
08/24/2023 22:00:29 output
MPS Diff
0.632 deg
MPS Cmd Vector X -0.85752400
MPS Cmd Vector Y 0.475510000
MPS Cmd Vector Z 0.196323000
CSS Angle TLM 0.200769
CSS Sun-Pointing Angle 0.401538
21 Aug 23@02:00:00
CSS Angle TLM 0.0906541
CSS Sun-Pointing Angle 0.1813082
24 Aug 23@22:00:00
Thruster 1 10176 21 Aug 23@02:00:00
Thruster 2 9936
Thruster 3 12352
Thruster 4 12592
Thruster 1 10432 24 Aug 23@22:00:00
Thruster 2 10192
Thruster 3 12640
Thruster 4 12880
Number of Pulses
Thruster 1 256
Thruster 2 256
Thruster 3 288
Thruster 4 288
Thruster Pairs
Thruster 1 & 2 512
Thruster 3 & 4 576
Timothy E.Perry
Mission Operations
Office (703) 406-5976
Cell (301) 606-1430