
   The perigee contacts were nominal, and the inertial maneuver was successful. We uplinked the hi normal sweep table during the second pass. Current configuration is Hi is in normal sweep and the Lo is in the magnetotail sweep.


Tasks Accomplished:

SSR Dump -> Dump New

Reset 18 Day Timer

CAR # 1328 Orbit #614 ATS Upload

CAR # 1301 IBEX Hi background and Lo 2023 Magnetotail Season

    Pass# 2 Upload Hi Normal Sweep Table

Reset FDC Totals


Results from the Inertial Maneuver:

Q1 -0.50627500 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[0]

Q2 0.21098100 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[1]

Q3 0.41274000 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[2]

Q4 0.72719900 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[3]


GPS sec 1372334545 ActNor.EstTime


UTC time 07/02/2023 12:02:11 output

MPS Diff 0.950 deg

MPS Cmd Vector X -0.122107000

MPS Cmd Vector Y 0.914177000

MPS Cmd Vector Z 0.386486000

CSS Angle TLM 0.405418

CSS Sun-Pointing Angle 0.810836

  27 June 23@12:00:00

CSS Angle TLM 0.712169

CSS Sun-Pointing Angle 1.424338

  2 July 23@12:00:00


Thruster 1 6944 27 June 23@12:00:00

Thruster 2 6768

Thruster 3 8816

Thruster 4 8992


Thruster 1 7216 2 July 23@12:00:00

Thruster 2 7040

Thruster 3 9056

Thruster 4 9232

Number of Pulses    

Thruster 1 272

Thruster 2 272

Thruster 3 240

Thruster 4 240

Thruster Pairs 

Thruster 1 & 2 544

Thruster 3 & 4 480




Timothy E.Perry


Mission Operations

Office (703) 406-5976

Cell (301) 606-1430