The apogee contact was nominal, and the inertial maneuver was successful.
Results from the Inertial Maneuver:
Q1 -0.38021600 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[0]
Q2 0.43398200 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[1]
Q3 0.18981500 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[2]
Q4 0.79439700 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[3]
GPS sec 1368702156 ActNor.EstTime
UTC time
05/21/2023 11:02:22 output
MPS Diff
0.627 deg
MPS Cmd Vector X 0.543318000
MPS Cmd Vector Y 0.774155000
MPS Cmd Vector Z 0.324792000
CSS Angle TLM 0.217606
CSS Sun-Pointing Angle 0.435212
16 May 23@03:00:00
CSS Angle TLM 0.234902
CSS Sun-Pointing Angle 0.469804
21 May 23@11:00:00
Thruster 1 4512 16 May 23@03:00:00
Thruster 2 4432
Thruster 3 5984
Thruster 4 6064
Thruster 1 4816 21 May 23@11:00:00
Thruster 2 4704
Thruster 3 6288
Thruster 4 6400
Number of Pulses
Thruster 1 304
Thruster 2 272
Thruster 3 304
Thruster 4 336
Thruster Pairs
Thruster 1 & 2 576
Thruster 3 & 4 640
Timothy E.Perry
Mission Operations
Office (703) 406-5976
Cell (301) 606-1430