I have included the compressed version of these files in the attached zip (in case the size was too large to deliver to your inbox)


From: Lane, Kayton (US) - SS
Sent: Monday, May 1, 2023 9:34 PM
To: 'angoldconsulting@earthlink.net' <angoldconsulting@earthlink.net>; 'nangold@princeton.edu' <nangold@princeton.edu>; 'Lane, Kayton (US) - SS' <kayton.lane@L3Harris.com>; Looney, Caeley (US) - SS <Caeley.Looney@l3harris.com>; 'Byrd, Reneisha (US) - SS' <Reneisha.Byrd@L3Harris.com>; 'ibexops@gmail.com' <ibexops@gmail.com>; 'ibexops@lists.sr.unh.edu' <ibexops@lists.sr.unh.edu>; 'kwfairchild@gmail.com' <kwfairchild@gmail.com>; 'don.gittle@sscspace.com' <don.gittle@sscspace.com>; 'dhobel@uspacenet.com' <dhobel@uspacenet.com>; 'Sheral.Wesley@ngc.com' <Sheral.Wesley@ngc.com>; 'Timothy.Perry@ngc.com' <Timothy.Perry@ngc.com>
Subject: IBEX: New predicted ephemeris file & orbit events files posted


Hi everyone,

NOTE: I have attached the following documents to this email. They will be available on the SFTP server as soon as connectivity issues are resolved.

The IBEX FDG has posted a new predicted ephemeris file and orbit events files.

The ephemeris file is located in the folder /IBEXIncoming/FDG/PredictedEphemeris/

and is named: IBEX_Ephem_2023_121_v001.e

The orbit events files are in the folder /IBEXIncoming/FDG/PredictedEphemeris/OrbitEvents/

and are named: IBEX_CrossingTimes_2023_121_v001.txt


There is also a new definitive ephemeris file available in the folder /IBEXIncoming/FDG/Working/

which is named: C:\FDS\IBEX\Ephemerides\Definitive\Smoother\IBEX_OD_20230501_184550_smoother.e

Kayton Lane
IBEX Flight Dynamics Group


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