Good morning Tim,


Both test passes have been scheduled.


Doug Hughes,

Technical Operations U.S.

Swedish Space Corporation



417 Caredean Drive, Suite A

Horsham, PA 19044




From: Perry, Timothy E [US] (SP) []
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2022 2:52 PM
To: Doug Hughes <>; ADS-IBEX <>; Ibex OpsGmail <>; Isoc Ops <>; Matthew Monteleone <>; Perry, Timothy E [US] (SP) <>; Rusty Bradt <>; Ops Account <>; SSC OPS GMAIL <>; Wesley, Sheral R [US] (SP) <>; Carol Weaver <>; Ken Fairchild <>; Ken Fairchild UNH <>; Nigel Angold <>; NIgel Angold Princton Nigel Angold <>
Subject: IBEX USAK01 Test time



   Here are the 2 contacts for USAK01 testing:

IBEX,USAK01,ADD,12/13/22,347,23:00:00,12/14/22,348,00:00:00,LAHO 2K IBEX-3 Orbit# 590 Test Contact 20.5re Desc
IBEX,USAK01,ADD,12/14/22,348,01:30:00,12/14/22,348,02:30:00,LAHO 2K IBEX-3 Orbit# 590 Test Contact 19re Desc


I will send up transmitter commands for these 2 contacts, so we don't have to deal with the blind acquisition for testing. 




From: Doug Hughes <>
Sent: Thursday, December 8, 2022 2:35 PM
To: Perry, Timothy E [US] (SP) <>; Rusty Bradt <>; Wesley, Sheral R [US] (SP) <>
Cc: Wynn, Reese [US] (SP) <>
Subject: EXT :RE: IBEX USAK01 Test time


Hi Tim,


Both would work in our schedule.


Doug Hughes

Manager, SSC Tech Ops US – Horsham PA Office

+1 (215)-394-0129


From: Perry, Timothy E [US] (SP) <>
Sent: Thursday, December 8, 2022 2:33 PM
To: Doug Hughes <>; Rusty Bradt <>; Wesley, Sheral R [US] (SP) <>
Cc: Wynn, Reese [US] (SP) <>
Subject: Re: IBEX USAK01 Test time



   I can probably schedule Two 1 hour contacts for testing Say 23:00 - 00:00 and 01:30 to 02:30. I already have on the books a UASK01 from 04:00 - 05:00. If the first 2 are good I will send out the request for them.




From: Doug Hughes <>
Sent: Thursday, December 8, 2022 12:43 PM
To: Perry, Timothy E [US] (SP) <>; Rusty Bradt <>; Wesley, Sheral R [US] (SP) <>
Cc: Wynn, Reese [US] (SP) <>
Subject: EXT :RE: IBEX USAK01 Test time


Hi Tim,


Currently, we could do 23:00 UTC or after on 12/13.


Doug Hughes

Manager, SSC Tech Ops US – Horsham PA Office

+1 (215)-394-0129


From: Perry, Timothy E [US] (SP) <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 7, 2022 2:31 PM
To: Doug Hughes <>; Rusty Bradt <>; Wesley, Sheral R [US] (SP) <>
Cc: Wynn, Reese [US] (SP) <>
Subject: IBEX USAK01 Test time



   During my next IBEX perigee, I have a long view period over the USAK01 station. The period is from 12/13/22 21:05:00 - 12/15/22 00:48:00 GMT. We could schedule a couple test contacts to check out the downlink issue. IF this is possible let me know. If not the next available time would be on 12/22/22 20:40:00 - 12/24/22 00:09:00 GMT. 



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