Hi all,

I have looked at the orbit 0583 ATS file, IBEX_2022_274_o0583a_v001.scr and I approve.


The constraint violations in IBEX_2022_274_o0583a_v001.ccvr are from the removal of the ACT_SetSpinPulseProtectEnable Enable commands. The violations are acceptable.


The PL commands in IBEX_2022_274_o0583a_v001.scr match those in the STF, IBEX_2022_274_o0583a_v002.stf.


Ascending and descending command sequences are consistent with each other, 15 Re ascending, the apogee maneuver time and 15 Re descending as determined from the OEF, IBEX_2022_274_o0583a_v001.oef and as verified with ibex_orbit.


There is 1 star tracker outage this orbit lasting over 6 days and spanning both perigee and apogee.


The ground station command sequences are correct and the timing and bit rates match those in the contacts file, IBEX_Orbit583_Contacts.txt for all contacts (3).


No Battery Balancing this orbit


The Inertial maneuver at perigee of orbit 0582 left us pointing in safe directions for the orbit 0583 arc A ascending and descending sequences:


 ibex_rotate -o -u -0.99583,-0.07972,-0.044352 -w ibex-sun -t 2022/10:01:12:07:00

Quaternion    +0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000

points axis  +1.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000

towards ECI  -0.995830,-0.079720,-0.044352

which is     R.A. +184.577 Decl.  -2.542

missing      R.A. +187.365 Decl.  -3.199 (ibex-sun)

error is     R.A.   +2.788 Decl.  +0.657

for a total  2.860 deg


ibex_rotate -o -u -0.99583,-0.07972,-0.044352 -w ibex-sun -t 2022/10:05:16:58:34

Quaternion    +0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000

points axis  +1.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000

towards ECI  -0.995830,-0.079720,-0.044352

which is     R.A. +184.577 Decl.  -2.542

missing      R.A. +191.074 Decl.  -4.749 (ibex-sun)

error is     R.A.   +6.497 Decl.  +2.207

for a total  6.849 deg



The Sun precession maneuver at apogee leaves us pointing in safe directions at the time of the maneuver and for arc B ascending and descending sequences:


ibex_rotate -o -r +191.142 -d -4.776  -w ibex-sun -t 2022/10:05:18:46:42

Quaternion    +0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000

points axis  +1.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000

towards ECI  -0.977745,-0.192570,-0.083260

which is     R.A. +191.142 Decl.  -4.776

missing      R.A. +191.142 Decl.  -4.776 (ibex-sun)

error is     R.A.   +0.000 Decl.  +0.000

for a total  0.000 deg


ibex_rotate -o -r +191.142 -d -4.776  -w ibex-sun -t 2022/10:05:20:16:48

Quaternion    +0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000

points axis  +1.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000

towards ECI  -0.977745,-0.192570,-0.083260

which is     R.A. +191.142 Decl.  -4.776

missing      R.A. +191.199 Decl.  -4.799 (ibex-sun)

error is     R.A.   +0.057 Decl.  +0.023

for a total  0.061 deg


ibex_rotate -o -r +191.142 -d -4.776  -w ibex-sun -t 2022/10:10:00:07:48

Quaternion    +0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000

points axis  +1.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000

towards ECI  -0.977745,-0.192570,-0.083260

which is     R.A. +191.142 Decl.  -4.776

missing      R.A. +195.093 Decl.  -6.427 (ibex-sun)

error is     R.A.   +3.951 Decl.  +1.651

for a total  4.264 deg



The Sun precession maneuver at perigee leaves us pointing in safe directions at the time of the maneuver and at orbit 0584 apogee:


ibex_rotate -o -r +195.253 -d -6.500 -w ibex-sun -t 2022/10:10:04:09:05

Quaternion    +0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000

points axis  +1.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000

towards ECI  -0.958572,-0.261391,-0.113203

which is     R.A. +195.253 Decl.  -6.500

missing      R.A. +195.253 Decl.  -6.500 (ibex-sun)

error is     R.A.   +0.000 Decl.  +0.000

for a total  0.000 deg


ibex_rotate -o -r +195.253 -d -6.500  -w ibex-sun -t 2022-10-15T02:17:12

Quaternion    +0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000

points axis  +1.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000

towards ECI  -0.958572,-0.261391,-0.113203

which is     R.A. +195.253 Decl.  -6.500

missing      R.A. +199.706 Decl.  -8.303 (ibex-sun)

error is     R.A.   +4.453 Decl.  +1.803

for a total  4.770 deg


There is no overlap with orbit 0582 commands.


Command Approval Checklist is attached.





Carol Weaver

University of New Hampshire



From: Perry, Timothy E [US] (SP) <Timothy.Perry@ngc.com>
Date: Friday, 2022-September-16 at 13:37
To: Carol Weaver <carol.weaver@unh.edu>, Chubin, Eric [US] (SP) <Eric.Chubin@ngc.com>, David Heirtzler <David.Heirtzler@unh.edu>, IBEX FDG Group <ADS-IBEX@l3harris.com>, IBEXOPS <IBEXOPS@gmail.com>, ISOC <isocops@lists.sr.unh.edu>, Ken Fairchild <fair-play@comcast.net>, Ken Fairchild (kwfairchild@gmail.com) <kwfairchild@gmail.com>, Kenneth Fairchild <Ken.Fairchild@unh.edu>, angoldconsulting <angoldconsulting@earthlink.net>, Paul Janzen <Paul.Janzen@mso.umt.edu>, Perry, Timothy E [US] (SP) <Timothy.Perry@ngc.com>, Tyler, Ryan S [US] (SP) <Ryan.Tyler@ngc.com>, Wesley, Sheral R [US] (SP) <Sheral.Wesley@ngc.com>, Wynn, Reese [US] (SP) <Reese.Wynn@ngc.com>
Subject: IBEX Orbit #583 ATS Approval (01 - 10 Oct 2022)

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the University System. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.




   Attached are the planning files for Orbit #583. Please respond to this thread with comments and approvals. Approvals are required by COB, 20 Sept 2022 


Please note the following: 

  1. Apogee Sun Maneuver – 2022/10/05 18:31:42 


  1. Perigee Sun Maneuver – 2022/10/10 03:54:05 


3.       No Battery Balancing this orbit 

Begin 2022/10/01 03:00:00– End 2022/10/01 04:30:00 


4.       Command Load Constraint Violation Report (CCVR) 


# Input files:         1 

#   IBEX_2022_274_o0583a_v001.scr 










IBX-CLC-016: No command to enable spin pulse protection was found after 

             transition to science mode at 2022/10/01 08:42:55 UTC 

IBX-CLC-016: No command to enable spin pulse protection was found after 

             transition to science mode at 2022/10/05 19:46:48 UTC 



