Contacts have been updated as requested.
Doug Hughes,
Technical Operations U.S.
Swedish Space Corporation
417 Caredean Drive, Suite A
Horsham, PA 19044
From: Perry, Timothy E [US] (SP) [mailto:Timothy.Perry@ngc.com]
Sent: Saturday, August 06, 2022 5:27 PM
To: Doug Hughes <Doug.Hughes@sscspace.com>; ADS-IBEX <ADS-IBEX@l3harris.com>; Ibex OpsGmail <IBEXOPS@gmail.com>; Isoc Ops <isocops@lists.sr.unh.edu>; Matthew Monteleone <Matthew.Monteleone@sscspace.com>; Perry, Timothy E [US] (SP) <Timothy.Perry@ngc.com>;
Rusty Bradt <Rusty.Bradt@sscspace.com>; Ops Account <nmc1@uspacenet.com>; SSC OPS GMAIL <SSCUS.ops@gmail.com>; Wesley, Sheral R [US] (SP) <Sheral.Wesley@ngc.com>; Carol Weaver <carol.weaver@unh.edu>; Ken Fairchild <kwfairchild@gmail.com>; Ken Fairchild UNH
<Ken.Fairchild@unh.edu>; Nigel Angold <angoldconsulting@earthlink.net>; NIgel Angold Princton Nigel Angold <nangold@princeton.edu>
Subject: IBEX Schedule request for USAK01 Testing
Please Add and delete the following contacts.
IBEX,USAK01,ADD,08/15/22,227,14:55:00,08/15/22,227,15:25:00,LAHO 2K IBEX-2 Orbit# 577 Doppler Tracking Test Contact 14re Per
IBEX,USAK01,DELETE,08/15/22,227,19:30:00,08/15/22,227,20:00:00,LAHO 2K IBEX-2 Orbit# 577 Doppler Tracking Test Contact 14re Per