The spacecraft is nominal and the inertial maneuver was successful. The first pass USHI02 @11:30 was nominal and the Orbit #578 ATS was uplinked and the 18 day time was reset. The second pass on USAK01 @22:00, we had
a low receiver signal strength. The NMC tried to resweep to see if that would improve the uplink signal. We still had a low AGC for the duration of the pass. They asked if they could make a change to their receiver to help improve the tracking data. So, hopefully
halfway thru the pass the tracking data improves.
The SSR was dumped thru APL-18 station. It looks like we will have to redump the data on the next orbit.
Tasks Accomplished:
Reset the Master Timer
CAR # 1256 Orbit #578 ATS upload
IBEX_2022_227_o0578a_v001 93 cmds
Results from the Inertial Maneuver:
Q1 -0.49275500 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[0]
Q2 0.32428100 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[1]
Q3 0.78710000 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[2]
Q4 0.18029900 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[3]
GPS sec 1343821561 ActNor.EstTime
UTC time
08/06/2022 11:45:47 output
MPS Diff
0.922 deg
MPS Cmd Vector X -0.664328000
MPS Cmd Vector Y 0.689303000
MPS Cmd Vector Z 0.289015000
CSS Angle TLM 2.33
CSS Sun-Pointing Angle 4.66
02 Aug 22 @10:00:00
CSS Angle TLM 2.01295
CSS Sun-Pointing Angle 4.0259
06 Aug 22 @11:30:00
Thruster 1 3328 02 Aug 22 @10:00:00
Thruster 2 3264
Thruster 3 3872
Thruster 4 3936
Thruster 1 3616 06 Aug 22 @11:30:00
Thruster 2 3520
Thruster 3 4144
Thruster 4 4240
Number of Pulses
Thruster 1 288
Thruster 2 256
Thruster 3 272
Thruster 4 304
Thruster Pairs
Thruster 1 & 2 544
Thruster 3 & 4 576