
The Orbit# 554 Perigee contacts were nominal for command/telemetry and the inertial maneuver was successful.

The following objectives were accomplished

SSR Dump -> Dump New

CAR # 1222 Orbit #556 ATS uplink

   IBEX_2022_028_o0556a_v001  (86 cmds)

Reset 18 Day Timer



Orbit# 554 Perigee  Sun Angle/Thruster Counts

J2000     Spin Axis             

ECI X      0.496698             

ECI Y      -0.796299            

ECI Z      -0.345251            


Precession Maneuver                   

Cmd Diff              61.578   deg

MPS Diff               0.674     deg

*MPS Diff should be < 1.5*


Q1          0.70608400          ActNor.EstInrToBdy[0]

Q2          -0.41721800        ActNor.EstInrToBdy[1]

Q3          0.50766800          ActNor.EstInrToBdy[2]

Q4          0.26390800          ActNor.EstInrToBdy[3]

GPS sec 1326643323         ActNor.EstTime

UTC time             01/19/2022 16:01:49      


CSS Angle TLM   1.4505  

CSS Sun-Pointing Angle 2.901    

                                14 Jan 22 @ 17:00:00

CSS Angle TLM   0.959812             

CSS Sun-Pointing Angle 1.919624             

                                19 Jan 22 @ 15:00:00


Thruster 1            15136    14 Jan 22 @ 17:00:00

Thruster 2            14704   

Thruster 3            18720   

Thruster 4            19152   


Thruster 1            15440    19 Jan 22 @ 15:00:00

Thruster 2            15008   

Thruster 3            19040   

Thruster 4            19472   

Number of Pulses                           

Thruster 1            304        

Thruster 2            304        

Thruster 3            320        

Thruster 4            320        

Thruster Pairs                   

Thruster 1 & 2    608        

Thruster 3 & 4    640        



Sheral Wesley  |  Sr Principal Engineer, Satellite Systems

Northrop Grumman Corporation  |  Space Systems

O: 703-406-5641  |  C: 202-236-0802  |