
    The Perigee contacts were nominal. The inertial maneuver was successful. The Orbit #549 Lo Gain Cal and the Orbit # 550 ATS’s  were uplinked. The Flight Computer Back Orbit buffer and the SSR were dumped. I was not able to complete the full SSR dump since I was at the 160k Downlink rate. At LOS the SSR read pointer was at 38430 & the remaining blocks were at 4178.


Tasks Accomplished

CAR #1210 Orbit 549 Lo Gain Cal ATS Uplink


CAR #1212 Orbit 550 ATS upload


Reset the 18 day timer

Dumped FC Back Orbit Buffer

Reset FDC Task errors


Results from the Inertial Maneuver

Q1 -0.33924300 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[0]

Q2 -0.74682600 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[1]

Q3 0.56728300 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[2]

Q4 0.07318230 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[3]


GPS sec 1321878637 ActNor.EstTime

MPS Diff 0.525

MPS Cmd Vector X -0.495239000

MPS Cmd Vector Y -0.793472000

MPS Cmd Vector Z -0.353752000

CSS Angle TLM 0.851108

CSS Sun-Pointing Angle 1.702216

  20 Oct 21 @ 21:00:00

CSS Angle TLM 0.322787

CSS Sun-Pointing Angle 0.645574

  25 Oct 21 @ 12:30:00


Thruster 1 11808 20 Oct 21 @ 21:00:00

Thruster 2 11504

Thruster 3 14368

Thruster 4 14672


Thruster 1 12144 25 Oct 21 @ 12:30:00

Thruster 2 11792

Thruster 3 14688

Thruster 4 15040

Number of Pulses  

Thruster 1 336

Thruster 2 288

Thruster 3 320

Thruster 4 368

Thruster Pairs  

Thruster 1 & 2 624

Thruster 3 & 4 688



Timothy E.Perry


Mission Operations

Office (703) 406-5976

Cell (301) 606-1430

