

The first contact was nominal for CMD & TLM. The ATS was uploaded. The second Perigee contact was nominal for TLM but was unsuccessful for CMD. The second support was on USAK01 and the station was having amplifier issues throughout the support. MOC was unable to command the spacecraft and execute the SSR downlink due to this issue. Another downlink blind acquisition support has been scheduled on USHI01 for 07/24/21,205,00:00:00 – 01:00:00 at 64k. Station engineers will be inspecting the amplifier today, PR# 14637.


The inertial maneuver was successful, battery balancing is nominal, and spacecraft SOH is nominal.

Tasks Accomplished:

CAR #1179 – Orbit #536 ATS Upload

               IBEX_2021_212_o0536a_v001.scr 100 CMDS

Transmit FC Back orbit Data

Verify Inertial Maneuver and Battery Balancing


Results from the Inertial maneuver:

Q1       -0.35250200    ActNor.EstInrToBdy[0]

Q2       -0.44530400    ActNor.EstInrToBdy[1]

Q3       -0.32023700    ActNor.EstInrToBdy[2]

Q4       0.75821900     ActNor.EstInrToBdy[3]


GPS sec           1310992481    ActNor.EstTime


UTC time         07/22/2021 12:34:27 output

MPS Diff          0.714   deg

MPS Cmd Vector X     -0.457592000

MPS Cmd Vector Y     0.819336000

MPS Cmd Vector Z      0.345396000


CSS Angle TLM            0.300014        

CSS Sun-Pointing Angle          0.600028        

                        17 July 21 @ 12:00:00

CSS Angle TLM            0.488189        

CSS Sun-Pointing Angle          0.976378        

                        22 Jul 21 @ 12:30:00


Thruster 1       4880    17 July 21 @ 12:00:00

Thruster 2       4784   

Thruster 3       5456   

Thruster 4       5552   


Thruster 1       5152    22 Jul 21 @ 12:30:00

Thruster 2       5024   

Thruster 3       5728   

Thruster 4       5856   

Number of Pulses                 

Thruster 1       272     

Thruster 2       240     

Thruster 3       272     

Thruster 4       304     

Thruster Pairs            

Thruster 1 & 2            512     

Thruster 3 & 4            576       


Eric Chubin  |  Principal Engineer Satellite Systems

Northrop Grumman Corporation  |  Space Systems

O: 703-429-7015  |  C: 240-328-2098  |