
   Attached are the planning files for Orbit #529. Please respond to this thread with comments and approvals.  

Approvals are required by COB on 17 May 2021.


Please note the following:

  1. I have generated (3)  separate ATS files BUS, INST and a complete file. The BUS and INST will be the files to be uplinked. The complete ATS, I used as a sanity check to see how the commands lined up. Since we are in a new phase of ATS generation. IF you have any ideas of doing this differently, let me know.


  1. The (3)  ATS files have been changed to word files and encrypted. I will send out another email with the password. The files that have been transferred via MFT have not been encrypted and are still text files.  


  1. I moved the (2)  House Keeping commands from the INST ATS to the BUS ATS. I commented out the (2) commands in the INST ATS. If for some reason we were unable to uplink the INST Commands for this orbit, we would have been in the wrong spacecraft state for executing the maneuver commands.


  1. Battery Balancing this orbit



  1. Orbit# 527 Reset Master Timer  - 2021/05:19:15:45:00


  1. APL Contact 2021-06-06/12:00:00 - 2021-06-06/13:00:00

Just a reminder for the APL contact. We start off at 2k D\L, after 5 minutes we switch to 320k D\L, Then 5 minutes later we start the SSR Dump with Dump New command


  1. Command Load Constraint Violation Report (CCVR)

Filename:            IBEX_2021_148_o0529a_v001.ccvr

# File type:           Command Load Constraint Violation Report (CCVR)


# Create time:         2021/134.182455

# Plan period start:   2021/148.030000

# Plan period stop:    2021/157.215500

# Default time format: UTC


# Input files:         1

#   IBEX_2021_148_o0529a_v001.scr










IBX-CLC-016: No command to enable spin pulse protection was found after

             transition to science mode at 2021/05/28 14:41:44 UTC

IBX-CLC-016: No command to enable spin pulse protection was found after

             transition to science mode at 2021/06/01 14:10:10 UTC







Sheral Wesley  |  Principal Engineer, Satellite Systems

Northrop Grumman Corporation  |  Space Systems

O: 703-406-5641  |  C: 202-236-0802  |
