
   The Apogee contact was nominal for CMD and TLM. The Inertial maneuver was successful. The commands for the upcoming APL-8 contact were removed and Orbit 499 Bus ATS was uplinked.


Tasks Accomplished:

CAR #1109 ATS upload – IBEX_2020_241_o0499a_BUS_V001 46 Cmds

All Timed commands for the APL-18 contact on 8/18 @14:00 have been removed from the spacecraft.



Results from the Inertial maneuver:

Q1 -0.25179200 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[0]

Q2 -0.55462800 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[1]

Q3 -0.19177900 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[2]

Q4 0.76955100 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[3


GPS sec 1281434544 ActNor.EstTime


UTC time 08/14/2020 10:02:10 output


MPS Diff 0.475 deg


MPS Cmd Vector X -0.758530000

MPS Cmd Vector Y 0.601785000

MPS Cmd Vector Z 0.249974000


CSS Angle TLM 0.239031

CSS Sun-Pointing Angle 0.478062

  9 Aug 20 @ 17:00

CSS Angle TLM 0.716525

CSS Sun-Pointing Angle 1.43305

  14 Aug 20 @ 10:00



Thruster 1 2000 9 Aug 20 @ 17:00

Thruster 2 1936

Thruster 3 2304

Thruster 4 2368

Post-Burn   `

Thruster 1 2256 14 Aug 20 @ 10:00

Thruster 2 2192

Thruster 3 2608

Thruster 4 2672

Number of Pulses  

Thruster 1 256

Thruster 2 256

Thruster 3 304

Thruster 4 304

Thruster Pairs 

Thruster 1 & 2 512

Thruster 3 & 4 608





Timothy E. Perry

Mission Operations


Office (703) 406-5976

Cell (301) 606-1430