Hi everyone,
The IBEX FDG has posted a new predicted ephemeris file and orbit events files.
The ephemeris file is located in the folder /IBEXIncoming/FDG/PredictedEphemeris/
and is named: IBEX_Ephem_2020_051_12_50_v001.e
The orbit events files are in the folder /IBEXIncoming/FDG/PredictedEphemeris/OrbitEvents/
and are named: IBEX_CrossingTimes_2020_051_12_50_v001.txt
There is also a new definitive ephemeris file available in the folder /IBEXIncoming/FDG/Working/
which is named: Sat_Ibex_Smooth_20200220_125005_Def_v001.e
Stephen Lutz
IBEX Flight Dynamics