[Isocops] IBEX Orbit623 Version 2 ATS (replace perigee maneuver)

Perry, Timothy E [US] (SP) Timothy.Perry at ngc.com
Fri Oct 6 23:52:07 EDT 2023

   Attached is the version 2 ats for orbit 623. This will be used to replace the inertial maneuver with a sun maneuver if the star tracker hasn't recovered. I have also attached the version 1 ats for comparison. This will be uplinked on the AUWA01 contact 8 Oct @10:30. The files have also been placed in the Tim folder on the sftp server.

Timothy E.Perry
Mission Operations
timothy.perry at ngc.com<mailto:timothy.perry at ngc.com>
Office (703) 406-5976
Cell (301) 606-1430

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