[Isocops] IBEX APL pass on 6 August, 2022
Ken Fairchild
kwfairchild at gmail.com
Sat Aug 6 20:20:41 EDT 2022
The ISOC received these files:
1348 IBEX_APL18_2022_218_13_25_cortex1_VCID2.tlm
0 IBEX_APL18_2022_218_13_25_cortex1_VCID1.tlm
53920 IBEX_APL18_2022_218_13_25_cortex1_VCID0.tlm
57964 IBEX_APL18_2022_218_13_25_cortex1_tlm.raw.0
149628 IBEX_APL18_2022_218_13_25_cortex2_VCID1.tlm
2425052 IBEX_APL18_2022_218_13_25_cortex2_VCID0.tlm
71642156 IBEX_APL18_2022_218_13_25_cortex2_tlm.raw.0
35616856 IBEX_APL18_2022_218_13_25_cortex2_VCID2.tlm
As you can see, there's not much cortex1 data. There are 3 block ranges in
the cortex2 data. Two are outside the expected block range. The other
block range starts about 5000 blocks before the read pointer value and
ends about the same number of blocks before the write pointer value. We
will do a redump.
I don't suppose you have cortex3 files?
On Sat, Aug 6, 2022 at 10:48 AM Dove, William <William.Dove at jhuapl.edu>
> The APL-18 pass was successful and all data files transferred to the
> server.
> Best regards,
> -Bill
> *William C. Dove*
> *Manager - Satellite Communications Facility *
> *240-228-3766/Office*
> *240-461-1602/ Mobile*
> *www.scf.jhuapl.edu* <http://www.scf.jhuapl.edu>
> [image: cid:image002.jpg at 01D2C279.9279C190]
> [image: cid:image004.png at 01D2C5A9.5D7836B0]
> *From:* Perry, Timothy E [US] (SP) <Timothy.Perry at ngc.com>
> *Sent:* Monday, August 01, 2022 1:55 PM
> *To:* Chubin, Eric [US] (SP) <Eric.Chubin at ngc.com>; Dove, William <
> William.Dove at jhuapl.edu>; IBEX FDG Group <ADS-IBEX at l3harris.com>; IBEXOPS
> <IBEXOPS at gmail.com>; ISOC at New Hampshire <isocops at lists.sr.unh.edu>;
> Siddique, Fazle E. <Fazle.Siddique at jhuapl.edu>; Garcia, Tony <
> Tony.Garcia at jhuapl.edu>; Wesley, Sheral R [US] (SP) <Sheral.Wesley at ngc.com>;
> Wynn, Reese [US] (SP) <Reese.Wynn at ngc.com>; Carol Weaver <
> carol.weaver at unh.edu>; Ken Fairchild <kwfairchild at gmail.com>; Ken
> Fairchild UNH <Ken.Fairchild at unh.edu>; Nigel Angold <
> angoldconsulting at earthlink.net>; NIgel Angold Princton Nigel Angold <
> nangold at princeton.edu>
> *Subject:* [EXT] IBEX APL pass on 6 August, 2022
> *APL external email warning: *Verify sender Timothy.Perry at ngc.com before
> clicking links or attachments
> All,
> Here are the times for the upcoming APL-18 on August 06th .
> IBEX,APL-18,ADD,08/06/22,218,13:30:00,08/06/22,028,14:30:00,2K-320K IBEX
> Orbit# 576 SSR Dump Contact 12re-Descending Perigee
> Transmitter on at 2K (VCID0) - 2022/08/06 13:28:00
> Down Link change to 320K - 2022/08/06 13:35:00
> Start SSR Dump (VCID2) 2022/08/06 13:40:00
> Transmitter off 2022/08/06 14:32:00
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