[Isocops] IBEX Goat Herder for Dec 24 & 25 2020

Perry, Timothy E [US] (IS) Timothy.Perry at ngc.com
Thu Dec 24 21:15:48 EST 2020

   The Perigee contacts were nominal for CMD & TLM. The inertial maneuver was successful. The SSR was dumped, but I was not able to complete the dump on the first contact. We were able to redump the missing data on the second pass. We completed pass 4 of CAR 1119 ISN Season 2021. The Hi was set back to normal sweep.

Tasks Accomplished:

CAR 1119 ISN season pass#4 Upload Hi Normal sweep table

CAR 1142 ATS upload Orbit 513

    IBEX_2021_002_o0513a_BUS_V001 38 cmds

    IBEX_2021_002_o0513a_INST_V001 46 cmds

CAR 1143 Dump orbit 511 remaining blocks

SSR Dump -> Dump New

Results from the Inertial maneuver:
Q1 0.35107600 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[0]
Q2 0.75776500 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[1]
Q3 -0.48033800 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[2]
Q4 0.26798100 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[3]

GPS sec 1292891582 ActNor.EstTime

UTC time 12/25/2020 00:32:48 output
MPS Cmd Vector X 0.070556000
MPS Cmd Vector Y -0.911137000
MPS Cmd Vector Z -0.406019000
MPS Diff 0.703 deg
CSS Angle TLM 1.015145
CSS Sun-Pointing Angle 2.03029
  20 Dec 20 @ 02:30:00
CSS Angle TLM 1.39241
CSS Sun-Pointing Angle 2.78482
  25 Dec 20 @ 00:30:00
Thruster 1 2064 20 Dec 20 @ 02:30:00
Thruster 2 2016
Thruster 3 2336
Thruster 4 2384
Post-Burn   `
Thruster 1 2448 25 Dec 20 @ 00:30:00
Thruster 2 2400
Thruster 3 2736
Thruster 4 2784
Number of Pulses
Thruster 1 384
Thruster 2 384
Thruster 3 400
Thruster 4 400
Thruster Pairs
Thruster 1 & 2 768
Thruster 3 & 4 800

Timothy E.Perry
Mission Operations
timothy.perry at ngc.com
Office (703) 406-5976
Cell (301) 606-1430

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