[Isocops] IBEX Goat Herder for 2 Dec 2020

Perry, Timothy E [US] (IS) Timothy.Perry at ngc.com
Wed Dec 2 17:06:19 EST 2020

    The contact was nominal for TLM. The AGC was low throughout the pass (~-119 -> -122 DBm). Because of that I decided to hold off on sending up the Orbit 510 Instrument ATS. There was too much risk of dropping commands. We have 2 more uplink opportunities to send up the ATS. The 2 contacts are USHI01 12/06/20 341 05:30:00 - 06:30:00 64K & USHI01 12/06/20 341 08:00:00 & 09:00:00 160K. The Inertial maneuver was successful.

Results from the Inertial Maneuver:
Q1 0.71478500 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[0]
Q2 0.41673900 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[1]
Q3 -0.44624400 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[2]
Q4 0.34099600 ActNor.EstInrToBdy[3]

GPS sec 1290979910 ActNor.EstTime

UTC time 12/02/2020 21:31:36 output
MPS Cmd Vector X -0.349453000
MPS Cmd Vector Y -0.855795000
MPS Cmd Vector Z -0.381441000
MPS Diff 0.773 deg
CSS Angle TLM 0.410216
CSS Sun-Pointing Angle 0.820432
  27 Nov 20 @ 23:30:00
CSS Angle TLM 0.490986
CSS Sun-Pointing Angle 0.981972
  02 Dec 20 @ 21:00:00
Thruster 1 608 27 Nov 20 @ 23:30:00
Thruster 2 560
Thruster 3 592
Thruster 4 640
Post-Burn   `
Thruster 1 1008 02 Dec 20 @ 21:00:00
Thruster 2 960
Thruster 3 1008
Thruster 4 1056
Number of Pulses
Thruster 1 400
Thruster 2 400
Thruster 3 416
Thruster 4 416
Thruster Pairs
Thruster 1 & 2 800
Thruster 3 & 4 832

Timothy E.Perry
Mission Operations
timothy.perry at ngc.com
Office (703) 406-5976
Cell (301) 606-1430

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