[Isocops] [WARNING: MESSAGE ENCRYPTED]IBEX Orbit #489 ATS Approval ( 28 May - 6 June2020 ) - v001 approval

KEN FAIRCHILD fair-play at comcast.net
Thu Apr 30 14:18:42 EDT 2020


I have looked at the orbit 489 ATS files,




and I approve.

The only constraint violations in




are from the removal of the

ACT_SetSpinPulseProtectEnable Enable

commands (2); the violations are expected.

The PL commands in


match those in the v002 STF,


Ascending and descending command sequences are consistent with each other, 15 Re ascending, the apogee maneuver time and 15 Re descending as determined from the OEF,


and as verified with ibex_orbit.

There are two star tracker outages and they overlap.  The first starts 14+ hours before 15 Re descending and the outages end about 2 hours after perigee.  Some despinning may be required due to the first outage.

The ground station command sequences are correct and the timing and bit rates match those in


for all contacts (3).

We are doing battery cell balancing this orbit and the balancing commands are correct and offset by enough time from other commands.

The inertial pointing maneuver at perigee of orbit 488 left us pointing in safe directions for the orbit 489 arc A ascending and descending sequences:

ibex_rotate -o -u 0.418853,0.836686,0.352871 -w ibex-sun -t 2020/05:29:01:48:52
Quaternion +0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000
points axis +1.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000
towards ECI +0.418853,+0.836686,+0.352871
which is R.A. +63.407 Decl. +20.663
missing R.A. +66.090 Decl. +21.596 (ibex-sun)
error is R.A. +2.683 Decl. +0.933
for a total 2.671 deg

ibex_rotate -o -u 0.418853,0.836686,0.352871 -w ibex-sun -t 2020/06:01:14:21:32
Quaternion +0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000
points axis +1.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000
towards ECI +0.418853,+0.836686,+0.352871
which is R.A. +63.407 Decl. +20.663
missing R.A. +69.758 Decl. +22.134 (ibex-sun)
error is R.A. +6.351 Decl. +1.471
for a total 6.093 deg

The inertial precession maneuver at apogee leaves us pointing in safe directions at the time of the maneuver and for arc B ascending and descending sequences:

ibex_rotate -o -u 0.351388,0.862943,0.363121 -w ibex-sun -t 2020/06:01:16:04:40
Quaternion +0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000
points axis +1.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000
towards ECI +0.351388,+0.862943,+0.363121
which is R.A. +67.844 Decl. +21.292
missing R.A. +69.833 Decl. +22.145 (ibex-sun)
error is R.A. +1.989 Decl. +0.853
for a total 2.035 deg

ibex_rotate -o -u 0.351388,0.862943,0.363121 -w ibex-sun -t 2020/06:01:17:39:46
Quaternion +0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000
points axis +1.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000
towards ECI +0.351388,+0.862943,+0.363121
which is R.A. +67.844 Decl. +21.292
missing R.A. +69.901 Decl. +22.155 (ibex-sun)
error is R.A. +2.057 Decl. +0.863
for a total 2.097 deg

ibex_rotate -o -u 0.351388,0.862943,0.363121 -w ibex-sun -t 2020/06:06:01:37:42
Quaternion +0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000
points axis +1.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000
towards ECI +0.351388,+0.862943,+0.363121
which is R.A. +67.844 Decl. +21.292
missing R.A. +74.329 Decl. +22.674 (ibex-sun)
error is R.A. +6.485 Decl. +1.382
for a total 6.170 deg

The inertial precession maneuver at perigee leaves us pointing in safe directions at the time of the maneuver and at orbit 490 apogee:

ibex_rotate -o -u 0.279738,0.884416,0.373571 -w ibex-sun -t 2020/06:06:17:15:43
Quaternion +0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000
points axis +1.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000
towards ECI +0.279738,+0.884416,+0.373571
which is R.A. +72.448 Decl. +21.936
missing R.A. +74.959 Decl. +22.704 (ibex-sun)
error is R.A. +2.511 Decl. +0.768
for a total 2.447 deg

ibex_rotate -o -u 0.279738,0.884416,0.373571 -w ibex-sun -t 2020-06-11T00:17:28.734Z
Quaternion +0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000
points axis +1.000000,+0.000000,+0.000000
towards ECI +0.279738,+0.884416,+0.373571
which is R.A. +72.448 Decl. +21.936
missing R.A. +79.454 Decl. +23.091 (ibex-sun)
error is R.A. +7.006 Decl. +1.155
for a total 6.573 deg

No Lo O-mode.

There is no overlap with orbit 488 commands by manual inspection or by checking at


Command Approval Checklist is attached.


> On April 28, 2020 at 4:08 PM "Perry, Timothy E [US] (IS)" <Timothy.Perry at ngc.com> wrote:
>     All,
>        Attached are the planning files for Orbit #489
>     Please respond to this thread with comments and approvals.  
>     Approvals are required by COB on  30 April 2020
>     Please note the following:
>        1. I generated 3 separate ATS files BUS, INST and a complete file. The BUS and INST will be the files to be uplinked. The complete ATS, I used as a sanity check to see how the commands lined up. Since we are in a new phase of ATS generation. IF you have any ideas of doing this differently, let me know.
>        1. The 3 ATS files have been changed to word docx files and encrypted. I will send out another email with the password. The files that have been transferred via MFT have not been encrypted and are still text files.  
>        1. I moved the 2 House Keeping  commands from the INST ATS to the BUS ATS. I commented out the 2 commands in the INST ATS. If for some reason we were unable to uplink the INST Commands for this orbit, we would have been in the wrong spacecraft state for executing the maneuver commands.
>        1. The contact list has both Orbit# 487 Perigee contact  and 489 contacts listed to help with checking the ATS.  
>        1. Master Timer Command for Orbit #486
>          # Orbit# 487 Reset Master Timer
>           @EMR_StrobeMReset $TIME=2020/05:20:00:15:00
>        1. Battery Balancing ;
>         The Battery balancing will occur prior to the inertial maneuver for this orbit. This is acceptable since the battery balancing will finish 3.5 hours prior to the maneuver start time. The maneuver window opens @2020-06-06 04:21:14 and the inertial maneuver starts @ 2020-06-06 17:05:43. This is due to a star tracker outage that occurs from 2020-06-05T11:11:34 to 2020-06-06T14:18:28.
>         # Orbit 489 Battery Balancing
>         # 2020-06-06T12:27:15.895Z,Perigee,orbit:489
>           @ECT_SetLongEclipseFlag TRUE $TIME=2020/06:06:12:00:00
>           @ECT_SetLongEclipseFlag FALSE $TIME=2020/06:06:13:30:00
>     7.       Command Load Constraint Violation Report (CCVR)
>         IBEX_2020_149_o0489a_v001.ccvr
>         # Input files:         1
>         #   IBEX_2020_149_o0489a_v001.scr
>         ==========================
>         ==========================
>         NO VIOLATIONS.
>         ==========================
>         ==========================
>         IBX-CLC-016: No command to enable spin pulse protection was found after
>                      transition to science mode at 2020/05/28 23:41:46 UTC
>         IBX-CLC-016: No command to enable spin pulse protection was found after
>                      transition to science mode at 2020/06/01 17:09:46 UTC
>         ==============
>         ==============
>         NO MESSAGES.
>     Timothy E.Perry
>     CRS IBEX OCO-2
>     Mission Operations
>     timothy.perry at ngc.com
>     Office (703) 406-5976
>     Cell (301) 606-1430
>     [cid:image001.png at 01D542D6.6047A400]

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