[Isocops] Cron <ibexops at ena> $IBEX_CRON/cronswitch.sh sftp_driver sync < /dev/null >/dev/null

Cron Daemon root at ena.sr.unh.edu
Sat Sep 21 12:23:46 EDT 2013

see /home/ibexops/IBEX/ops/log/sftp_driver-2013.

sending incremental file list
SFTP/ibex/moc/Moc-Soc/Goat Herder/IBEX Goat Herder 21 Sept 13.doc

sent 1183631 bytes  received 417 bytes  789365.33 bytes/sec
total size is 57494684682  speedup is 48557.73

/home/ibexops/IBEX/sw/isoc/src/ops/admin/scripts/sftp_doit.sh \

cronswitch.sh is using /home/ibexops/IBEX/sw/i686-5.d/bin/isoc.sh for setup
Logging to /home/ibexops/IBEX/ops/log/pipe-2013.

/home/ibexops/IBEX/sw/isoc/src/ops/admin/scripts/sftp_wakeup.sh cron config=/home/ibexops/IBEX/ops/config/ids/id-leops 0220

[0220] Working on /home/ibexops/IBEX/raw/o0220
[0220] Working in /home/ibexops/IBEX/work/ops/wakeup
Defaultcase unknown0:..IBEX Goat Herder 21 Sept 13.doc
Defaultcase unknown1:..IBEX Goat Herder 16 Sept 13.doc
*** Have  P/L OPS  Work ***
*** Have 0220/0220 Work ***

TA: 2013.

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