[Isocops] Cron <ibexops at ena> $IBEX_CRON/cronswitch.sh wakeup < /dev/null >/dev/null

Cron Daemon root at ena.sr.unh.edu
Sun Mar 17 20:21:01 EDT 2013

/home/ibexops/IBEX/sw/isoc/src/ops/admin/scripts/hvsci_wakeup.sh: line 37: [: Toolkit: integer expression expected
/home/ibexops/IBEX/sw/isoc/src/ops/admin/scripts/hvsci_wakeup.sh: line 44: 10#================================================================================ + 2: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "============================================================================== + 2")
/home/ibexops/IBEX/sw/isoc/src/ops/admin/scripts/usnsh_wakeup.sh: line 19: [: too many arguments

AT: 2013.

cronswitch.sh wakeup


executing wakeup driver ...
%%% /home/ibexops/IBEX/sw/isoc/src/ops/admin/scripts/track_wakeup.sh :
%%% /home/ibexops/IBEX/sw/isoc/src/ops/admin/scripts/plops_wakeup.sh :
%%% /home/ibexops/IBEX/sw/isoc/src/ops/admin/scripts/ephem_wakeup.sh :
%%% /home/ibexops/IBEX/sw/isoc/src/ops/admin/scripts/telem_wakeup.sh :
%%% /home/ibexops/IBEX/sw/isoc/src/ops/admin/scripts/hvsci_wakeup.sh :
%%% /home/ibexops/IBEX/sw/isoc/src/ops/admin/scripts/forecast_wakeup.sh :
%%% /home/ibexops/IBEX/sw/isoc/src/ops/admin/scripts/usnsh_wakeup.sh :
No raw directory /home/ibexops/IBEX/raw/o ================================================================================ Toolkit version: N0064 SPICE(NUMBEREXPECTED) -- The Value in the Kernel File was Expected to be a Number. Encountered '1903R4qu8r43' while attempting to parse a number on line 66 of the text kernel file '/home/ibexops/IBEX/anc/isoc/ibex_orbit_frame.tf'. Error message: 'An unexpected character was found while attempting to parse the input string. 1903[R]4qu8r43' A traceback follows. The name of the highest level module is first. furnsh_c --> FURNSH --> ZZLDKER --> LDPOOL --> ZZRVAR Oh, by the way: The SPICELIB error handling actions are USER-TAILORABLE. You can choose whether the Toolkit aborts or continues when errors occur, which error messages to output, and where to send the output. Please read the ERROR "Required Reading" file, or see the routines ERRACT, ERRDEV, and ERRPRT. ============================================================================!

TA: 2013.

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