[Isocops] IBEX Goat Herder 11 Oct 12

Ibex Mission Operations ibexops at gmail.com
Fri Oct 12 11:43:06 EDT 2012

The Orbit# 12 Apogee Contact was taken through APL-18 @ 2245 UTC.

The contact started at 2ksps then increased to 40ksps to download the FC

While processing the VC1 data,  we were originally able to read three
packets of data. Tim discovered that the wrong configuration file to
decom/archive data was used on the new MAESTRO servers. The reason was that
the data files from USN are a different file length than the APL data
files. The configuration files for the APL data were changed and we are now
able to process the data.

*RAZOR# 514     will be updated with the recent findings*.

Sheral R. Wesley
SPVR., Satellite Operations
IBEX Mission OPS
(304) 279-6678
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