[Isocops] CRONology 2011-10-28 - Nominal (error messages fixed)

Mark Tapley mtapley at swri.edu
Fri Oct 28 10:44:32 EDT 2011

	All nominal.

	Ken traced the error messages to a filename coming from APL 
not conforming to the ICD. Orbits 134 and 135 were definitely 
affected, possibly orbits 137 and 138. All should be fixed now; no 
error messages seen on the 28th.

	Latest ephemeris check passed, with all errors ~ 25% of the 
tolerances, the way they used to be long ago before the maneuver.

	Have a good weekend!



12:55  **** "NO Valid Blocks were seen" error message ****
16:55  **** "NO Valid Blocks were seen" error message ****
20:55  **** "NO Valid Blocks were seen" error message ****


02:33  rebuild /gbc tree - OK (tarballs disabled)
03:13  rebuild production tree - OK (tarballs installed)
03:20  SVN update ibex-web - passed.
03:20  SVN update ena - passed.
03:42  SVN commit ibex, isoc. - OK.
09:50  /home/giordano/chicken-isoc backup - web.
16:20  SFTP. 2 .trk files.
16:21  wakeup. Update spin file.
20:20  SFTP. 6 .trk files and 3 VCIDs.
20:32  wakeup. Update spin and pointing files.


02:33  rebuild /gbc tree - OK (tarballs disabled)
03:12  rebuild production tree - OK (tarballs installed)
03:20  SVN update ibex-web - passed.
03:20  SVN update ena - passed.
03:42  SVN commit ibex, isoc. - OK.
08:55  **** "NO Valid Blocks were seen" error message ****
09:50  /home/giordano/chicken-isoc backup - web.


02:33  rebuild /gbc tree - OK (tarballs disabled)
03:12  rebuild production tree - OK (tarballs installed)
03:20  SVN update ibex-web - passed.
03:20  SVN update ena - passed.
03:42  SVN commit ibex, isoc. - OK.
04:20  SFTP. 3 VCIDs, 6 .trk files.
04:21  wakeup. Update spin and pointing files.
08:20  SFTP. Goat Herder.
09:45  /home/giordano/chicken-ibex backup.
09:50  /home/giordano/chicken-isoc backup - web.
12:20  SFTP. a Def_v001.e
12:21  wakeup. install ephemeris.
16:21  wakeup. 45.6 hours to STF.
18:23  SFTP. Crossing times, views, and ephem files, 16 .INP2 files.
20:20  SFTP. log files.
20:21  wakeup. Ephem check passes, looks nominal; max error 25% tolerance.


00:21  wakeup. 38.4 hours to STF.
02:33  rebuild /gbc tree - OK (tarballs disabled)
03:13  rebuild production tree - OK (tarballs installed)
03:20  SVN update ena - passed.
03:20  SVN update ibex-web - passed.
03:42  SVN commit ibex, isoc. - OK.
04:21  wakeup. 33.6 hours to STF.
08:21  wakeup. 28.8 hours to STF.
09:45  /home/giordano/chicken-ibex backup.
09:50  /home/giordano/chicken-isoc backup - web.


						- Mark     210-379-4635
Large Asteroids headed toward planets
inhabited by beings that don't have
technology adequate to stop them:

				Think of it as Evolution in Fast-Forward.

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