[Isocops] IBEX Orbit# 145 ATS (4 Nov 11 - 13 Nov 11)

Reno, Michelle mreno at swri.edu
Sun Oct 23 23:14:26 EDT 2011

I approve IBEX_2011_308_o0145a_v001.scr
Chelle Reno
Austin Mission Consulting
(210) 478-7337 (c)


From: isocops-bounces at lists.sr.unh.edu on behalf of Ibex Mission Operations
Sent: Fri 10/21/2011 7:40 AM
To: Bret Hautamaki; IBEX-FDG; IBEXOPS/ORB; ISOC at New Hampshire; John Cavallo; Tapley, Mark; Robert Lockwood; Roland Vanderspek; Ryan Tyler; Sheral Wesley; Thomas Regiec; Tim Perry; Walker Cross
Subject: [Isocops] IBEX Orbit# 145 ATS (4 Nov 11 - 13 Nov 11)

     Here is the ATS and planning files for Orbit# 145.
Please respond to this email chain with your comments/approvals.
Comments/approvals are due before 24 Oct 11 @1200 UTC

Sheral R. Wesley
SPVR., Satellite Operations
IBEX Mission OPS
(304) 279-6678

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