[Isocops] IBEX High Altitude Tests 16 May 11

Reno, Michelle mreno at swri.edu
Tue May 17 11:21:22 EDT 2011

More excellent news! How many commands were we able to get through with AK & AUS? How many were sent vs. dropped?
Chelle Reno
Austin Mission Consulting
(210) 478-7337 (c)


From: isocops-bounces at lists.sr.unh.edu on behalf of Ibex Mission Operations
Sent: Tue 5/17/2011 10:18 AM
To: Bret Hautamaki; IBEX-FDG; IBEXOPS/ORB; ISOC at New Hampshire; John Cavallo; Mark Tapley; Robert Lockwood; Roland Vanderspek; Ryan Tyler; Sheral Wesley; Thomas Regiec; Tim Perry; Walker Cross; Doug Hughes; Dan Hobel
Subject: [Isocops] IBEX High Altitude Tests 16 May 11

    Here are the results of the High Altutude Tests done 16 May 11.
All three contacts were successful for command/telemetry and doppler.
We were just above the noise level with the AK and AUWA01 contacts.
1. APL FC_Dump 16 May 11 @1530 UTC 
   46_re Ascending
   The Fligh Computer was dumped @ 64ksps
   ebno=9.0-16.8 db (2ksps)
   ebno=4.5-6.6 db (64ksps)
 2. USN/AK  16 May 11 @1930 UTC
    47_re Ascending
 USN/AK HASO=200 watts
   @1930 ebno=14.31-15.67 db(2ksps)
   signal strength= -199.902 - -120.714
   @1934 ebno= - 4 - -6 db (40ksps)
 signal strength= -122
  @2003 ebno=14.16 - 15.51 db (2ksps)
3. USN/AUWA01  16 May 11 @ 2230 UTC
USN/AUWA01 HASO=161 watts
 @2230 ebno=14.50-16.0 db(2ksps)
 signal strength= -119.438 - -120 db
 @2251 ebno=14.00 - 15.60 db (2ksps)
Sheral R. Wesley
SPVR., Satellite Operations
IBEX Mission OPS
(304) 279-6678

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