[Isocops] [Ibexops] IBEX New INP2s Available

Ryan Lebois rlebois at applieddefense.com
Sat Jun 18 01:07:08 EDT 2011

Hello everyone,

We have new INP2 files available on the IBEX SFTP in the folder

They are also available on the USN SFTP in the folder /to_usn/

The following INP2 files are valid for the respective time periods:

18 Jun 2011 02:00 until 21 Jun 2011 02:00 UTC
*These INP2 files were created using a 5 second step size.  *
Ryan Lebois
IBEX Flight Dynamics

Ryan Lebois

Applied Defense Solutions

rlebois at applieddefense.com

Office 301.483.4910

Mobile 410.251.0954
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