[Isocops] [Ibexops] IBEX: New predicted ephemeris file & orbit events files posted

Marissa Intelisano mintelisano at applieddefense.com
Thu Jan 13 16:48:02 EST 2011

Hi everyone,

The IBEX FDG has posted a new predicted ephemeris file and orbit events

The ephemeris file is located in the folder /IBEX/fdg/PredictedEphemeris/

and is named: *IBEX_Ephem_2011_011_04_23_v001.e
The orbit events files are in the folder

and are named: *IBEX_CrossingTimes_2011_011_04_23_v001.txt

There is also a new definitive ephemeris file available in the folder

which is named: *Sat_Ibex_Smooth_20110113_193804_Def_v001.e

Marissa Intelisano
IBEX Flight Dynamics

Marissa Intelisano
Applied Defense Solutions, Inc.
mintelisano at applieddefense.com
Cell: (443) 610-1770
Office: (301) 483-4910, ext. 30
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