[Isocops] [Ibexops] IBEX USHI01 Contact DOY 102 @ 1850 UTC

Marissa Intelisano mintelisano at applieddefense.com
Tue Apr 12 15:56:17 EDT 2011

Hi everyone,

The Hawaii 1850 UTC primary ascending contact failed for Doppler. This is
the second contact in a row that has failed for Doppler at the HI01 station.
We are in the process of trying to contact USN to look further into
the issue.

Marissa Intelisano
IBEX Flight Dynamics

Marissa Intelisano
Applied Defense Solutions, Inc.
mintelisano at applieddefense.com
Cell: (443) 610-1770
Office: (301) 483-4910, ext. 30
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