[Isocops] Cron <ibexops at ena> $IBEX_CRON/cronswitch.sh wakeup < /dev/null >/dev/null

Cron Daemon root at ena.sr.unh.edu
Sun Sep 26 08:21:42 EDT 2010

AT: 2010.

cronswitch.sh wakeup


executing wakeup driver ...
%%% /home/ibexops/IBEX/sw/isoc/src/ops/admin/scripts/track_wakeup.sh :
0094 hsu_trk15 /home/ibexops/IBEX/raw/o0094/HSUTDF_006201_103_2010_269_1053.trk
0094  969533979.7  5038 period 14.377103 sb 1.96 chisq 0.131
0095 hsu_trk0 /home/ibexops/IBEX/raw/o0095/HSUTDF_006201_103_2010_269_1108.trk
0094  969534484.7  8987 period 14.377250 sb 1.96 chisq 0.122
0095 hsu_trk1 /home/ibexops/IBEX/raw/o0095/HSUTDF_006201_103_2010_269_1138.trk
0095  969536284.7  8989 period 14.377071 sb 1.96 chisq 0.130
0095 hsu_trk2 /home/ibexops/IBEX/raw/o0095/HSUTDF_006201_103_2010_269_1153.trk
0095  969537184.8  5617 period 14.376679 sb 1.97 chisq 0.127
running hs_spin.sh with IBEX_ID=id-leops
hs_spin.sh update 0094 0095
odir is /home/ibexops/IBEX/id-leops/orbit

mv track.todo track.done
%%% /home/ibexops/IBEX/sw/isoc/src/ops/admin/scripts/plops_wakeup.sh :
%%% /home/ibexops/IBEX/sw/isoc/src/ops/admin/scripts/ephem_wakeup.sh :
%%% /home/ibexops/IBEX/sw/isoc/src/ops/admin/scripts/telem_wakeup.sh :
Making sure inertial pointing is up to date:
Adding momentum axis pointing results to inertial_pointing.better
using osbdba and attdba files in odir = /home/ibexops/IBEX/id-leops/orbit
Updating IBEX_Orbit text kernel:
-rw-rw---- 1 ibexops isoc 233733 Sep 26 08:21 /home/ibexops/IBEX/anc/isoc/ibex_orbit_frame.tf

0095 rtt_tlm0 /home/ibexops/IBEX/raw/o0095/IBEX_AUWA01_2010_269_11_00_VCID0.tlm

cleanenv.sh pipe-sci /home/ibexops/IBEX/ops/config/ids/id-leops 0095

cronswitch.sh is using /home/ibexops/IBEX/sw/i686-4.1/bin/isoc.sh for setup
Logging to /home/ibexops/IBEX/ops/log/pipe-2010.

mv telem.todo telem.done
%%% /home/ibexops/IBEX/sw/isoc/src/ops/admin/scripts/hvsci_wakeup.sh :
Waiting 43.2 hrs before creating the STF,
since 15 [= expr ( 1286828760 - 1285503702 + 43200 ) / 86400] -ge 14
%%% /home/ibexops/IBEX/sw/isoc/src/ops/admin/scripts/usnsh_wakeup.sh :

TA: 2010.

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