[Isocops] Post-burn Pointing Check 6/28 1700 GMT

Reno, Michelle mreno at swri.edu
Thu Jun 24 10:38:04 EDT 2010

Hey folks,
Just a reminder that this perigee we are doing the sun precession maneuver. The post-burn pointing check pass will be Monday 6/28 at 1700 GMT (1pm Eastern). By the end of the ops call we will know whether our pointing is as expected. If DESCENDING needs to be pushed earlier, the commands will be uploaded 6/30 at 1300.
No additional action is needed now, this is just a reminder.
Chelle Reno
Austin Mission Consulting
106 E. 6th St. Ste. 939
Austin, TX  78701
(512) 704-3394 (o)
(210) 478-7337 (c)
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